Only Hours Left To Enter Fstoppers Biggest Photography Contest Ever

The first ever Fstoppers Workshop in the Bahamas is happening May 28th - June 1st at Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas and we want to give one of our readers the trip of a lifetime for FREE! We are actually doing 2 separate contests and they both end today, Friday May 28th at midnight eastern time.  If you are looking to expand your own photo skills, connect with other photographers in your field, explore a different genre of photography, or simply take a vacation you can write off, this is going to be the event to attend. How do you win this trip for free? Details are below:

Contest 1: All expense paid trip to the 2014 Fstoppers Workshop in Nassau, Bahamas.

This contest is open to everyone world-wide. On February 1st, 2014, one lucky Fstoppers fan will win a flight voucher worth up to $500 to travel to the workshop in the Bahamas. They will also win accommodations for 5 nights at the Atlantis Resort and access to any of the courses offered throughout the event. A passport is required to enter the Bahamas so make sure your documents are current and up to date.

How to enter (each option below will count as a separate entry): All you have to do is leave a comment on this post below explaining why you want to win this contest. Vulgar or trolling entries will be disqualified/deleted so keep it nice

Twitter: Simply follow @fstoppers and retweet the following message between now and Jan 31st: "Follow @Fstoppers and retweet this message to win a free trip to the Bahamas for the Fstoppers Photo Workshop"

Youtube: Subscribe to our Youtube Channel at and leave a comment on this contest video here.

Facebook: Like our Fstoppers Page and leave a comment on this contest post to qualify. BONUS: Share the Facebook contest post on your own wall and earn a second entry.

On February 1st we will randomly choose 1 name from each of the areas mentioned above and randomly draw one as the grand prize winner.

Contest 2: Full Refund on All Paid Classes

This second contest is open only to those who have signed up and paid for a class at the 2014 Fstoppers Workshop. To inspire you guys to sign up early, rather than waiting until the last minute, on February 1st we will pick one lucky attendee and reimburse their entire photography workshop class package. The full refund amount will depend on the number of classes bought prior to the announcement of the winner. Since this year's workshop is limited to about 200 students, your chances of being chosen are much greater than the above contest open to the general public.

Additional Rules and Terms:
All entries must be submitted before 11:59 PM eastern time on January 31st for consideration. Prizes are contingent on winner attending the workshop and are worth no actual monetary value. Winning trip and classes cannot be transferred or given to anyone other than the winner. Passport is required.

To learn more about the first ever Fstoppers workshop head over to or watch the video below.

Patrick Hall's picture

Patrick Hall is a founder of and a photographer based out of Charleston, South Carolina.

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Really cool contest. You guy have a amazing lineup of photographers to learn from . Would be fantastic to be able to join in!

After 4 years of wedding photography, I'm ready to take my game to the next level!

I want to win this contest because I'm a super nice person and unlike Game of Thrones, good things should happen to good people! =) This would just be awesome, plain and simple. I also give a pretty mean foot rub... ok that's just weird.

This would be great additional to my Himalayan photo trip.

I'm struggling with a deep passion for photography and hardly being challenged in my current position. Working as a Portrait Photographer for a school photography company, I rarely encounter the type of clients and talent that can really put my skills to the test or make me learn something new. And my Birthday is coming up....

Well, I'm a dutch student who can not afford something amazing like this. It could easily be the coolest thing that has ever happened in my entire life! except holding my nephew for the first time of course...

wow amazing !

I've never been out of the States and as a young photographer traveling would be a great opportunity to broaden my horizons.

fingers crossed

Yeah! I want to go! :)

Great looking lineup for this workshop. Thanks for all the hard work Fstoppers gang ;)

Awesome contest! Good luck everybody, seems like a chance of a lifetime.

As a new but loyal follower, I would LOVE to attend these workshops! Thank you for this priceless opportunity!

I would love to attend -- I've dabbled a long time as a hobbyist, but never undertook formal training.


I would rent a lot of gear for that trip

I would love to continue my education! You can never stop learning. So I already packed my bag just let me know when we leave. :) Good luck all!

What a generous contest.

I need this because I am soooooo losing my tan in all this nasty winter chill. ;)

You're so funny!

Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your fabulous workshop! I'm excited that I'm on your list for the full-paid pass and I'd love to be a part of your group and meet the other great instructors as well! You guys are awesome!

Hi there. So basically these workshops will be awesome, and coincidentally I want to be awesome. I don't know how I could attend and not come back so much more awesome than I already am (I'm only slightly awesome). Please help me be awesome, because that would be awesome. Awesome.

My dream is to win the trip to be there. I love photography and I would love to be there. Moreover, my birthday is the 31st of May and the best gift would be spending the day there learning with the best photographers of the world!!!


Photo, Sun, Free - great contest, good luck all

Win this trip would be a dream came true. A breathtaking place and the opportunity to learn a lot... Like I said a dream :)

The ability to go to this amazing learning experience that everyone at Fstoppers has put together would be incredible. I honestly wouldn't care if it was in the back of a warehouse. The ability to be able to learn from some of the top people in photography would be the chance of a lifetime! I have been trying my hand at photography for a little under two years now. I absolutely love everything about this art and can't absorb enough information on it! I already know that I want to learn from Aaron Nace of Phlearn and Pye Jirsa of SLR Lounge! My top choices for SURE! I hope to win this contest and if not, whoever the winner is, be sure to be safe, have fun and pay attention! Lol. Good luck everyone!

pick me. Ill bring my phantom vision 2

What a good dream for everyone. and i hope someone who really deserve will get this opportunity.For a photographer must be wonderful gift by Fstoppers. Thank you to giving that opportunity to anyone in the world.

I have been shooting weddings as a primary and secondary photographer for other companies for 10 years. I just started my own company last summer and would love the opportunity to learn with some of the best in the industry. I have the capacity to learn and take advice in a humble way. As a photographer of 10 plus years; I know I am still always learning! Learning from the best would be a dream come true!

I want to win because i've worked extremely hard and i accomplished so much in only one year into photography, i haven't taken a brake since the moment i started and it would be great to have a work-vacation!!I'm determined to make it to the top and i believe in my vision, it would be great and helpful to get tips and network with amazingly talented people like Pratik, Dixie etc :)

This could be one of my best experiences of the year!

I've never been to a workshop and would LOVE for this to be my first! However small the chance of winning, thanks for putting this opportunity out there. Crossing my fingers for some sea, sun, and shooting with the Fstoppers crew.

Would love to be able to win this. I've been shooting pretty much on my own without a mentor/instructor and this would totally take me to the next level! Would also be an awesome way to spend my last days as a bachelor before getting hitched mid-june.

i would like the think the guys at f-stopper for such a inspirational dvd on commercial wedding photography first, and the excellent articles by Julia Kuzmenko on retouching are simple great. Wish me luck in the contest for the trip to the Bahamas!

Words cannot describe how amazing this opportunity would be. There is no better way to further your skill and experience than learning from the best of the best. I would be forever grateful to be given a chance to come to this workshop. Ever since I first saw this workshop posted I have wanted to go so badly, and this contest may give me the opportunity to come. Thanks so much for this contest.

This is the most amazing opportunity.

starving artist / so naturally i'd like to go

espero ganar o poder ir seria una gran oportunidad para aprender de los mejores.

This'd be an awesome way to relax before my wedding in august!! My Fiance would be soooo jealous too!! :P

This would be an absolute dream come true! My wife and I were just looking at the Atlantis trip and were in awe of all the instructors that will be attending. We're trying to find a way to justify the price with 3 little ones at home and struggling to get our photography business off the ground floor. I'm sure the knowledge sharing alone would be invaluable to any aspiring photographer!

About 45 minutes down the road in Nassau is a place called Stuart Cove. They take shark diving excursions. It would be TOTALLY AWESOME to take that dive to a professional level of photography! When I did it 12 years ago, we were diving with about 30 reef sharks...nonetheless, this school teacher would love the chance to get away from her middle schoolers and be creative in the workshops!

This would be an absolute blessing to me and my family

Wow, I've been following the news about this workshop since the beginning. It will be a very good time. It will be very nice to learn from the top pros.

Reasons why I would want to go? Hurley, Nace, Grimm, Wallace, Kelly, Jirsa, Grecco, Dixon, Keatley, Naik! Need I say more? Oh.. and I'm sure the scenery would be kinda cool too. Kinda.

To simply learn from the best!

I have been looking to branch out my photography styles and skills. This workshop seems like the perfect opportunity to learn a lot in a short time.

As someone who seemingly did everything right to succeed in my career, went to a good college;
graduated with Honors; went onto grad school to get my MBA in Marketing – only to graduate at the height of the recession and spend 6 years looking for work, I realized that nothing can ever prepare you for life.

I was lucky enough to come into photography during college and quickly it became the career that I fell into because of a lack of other options – being the type of person that always needed to be challenged and busy, I worked 2 jobs while going to grad school full-time so the transition to unemployed was not easy. I became an entrepreneur out of pure necessity and drive, rather than something I built up towards and spent years researching all while working a normal 9-5. I know that being a long-time fan who whole-heartedly believes in your guy's way of thinking, bringing down the walls of photographer’s past thinking, letting education of what we do be brought to everyone who’s eager to listen – that I would benefit from such a wonderful experience more than anyone else, and of course, the promise that I would continue to pass on said knowledge and pay it forward every chance I get.

I would like to win, because for me it is a great opportunity for self-realization. May be i would be able to help with my example to people, who wants to make their dreams come true.

Oh please pick me! I've always wanted to take a professional workshop from inspiring professionals AND I've always wanted to stay at Atlantis! It looks like a gorgeous place to photograph.

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