Ever Wonder What The Radio Frequency Spectrum Looks Like? Press Play And Find Out.

It is always inspiring when when we are able to view things unseen by the human eye. Thanks to Jean-Pierre Aube, we are able to see the radiofrequency spectrum. The radiofrequency spectrum is at the heart of telecommunications, used by police, emergency personnel and public transport services, as well as the armed forces. Every day, this spectrum ensures the proper functioning of mobile phones and wireless devices. Seen as an essential resource by some and as a health hazard by others, the electromagnetic fields generated by radiofrequency spectrum activity have multiplied exponentially since humans first learned to harness electricity.

In his Electrosmog series, Jean-Pierre Aubé searches out ambient radio frequency activity in the urban landscape of Montréal, which for Aubé forms a singular territory, characterized by its density in the city and by the political and economic issues that accompany it.

Equipped with a radio, an antenna, and home-made software, the artist sweeps the titular spectrum of radio frequencies. Every tenth of a second, the device takes a snapshot of its readings – a measure of electromagnetic activity on a specific frequency. This information is then paired with images of Montréal, digitally altered by these same measurements, to create a “documentary in sound” of the city’s spaces.
Montréal, well-known to the artist after years of radiofrequency experiments here, is the eighth city in which Aubé has measured and visually presented this urban Electrosmog.

Electrosmog, Montréal, 01.1 MHz - 144 MHz, 2012
Text from the CCA and Elektra - video abstract original length : 11 minutes - built with Processing."

Thomas Ingersoll's picture

Thomas Ingersoll is a internationally published photographer. He is an expert with strobes but loves to use natural light as well. Thomas has a very clean and polished look to his work. Being very well rounded with fashion, fitness, portraits, and action sports, he is always up to conquer any challenge.

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Yeah, he's really dragged out a way of showing you something you've never seen before.


30s to 1m would've been long enough. Zzz!

looks to me like an audio frequency spectrum not the EM frequency spectrum. Small detail I guess.

Just what I was thinking.
