Andreas Sjodin: How To Pull The Most Out Of Your Models

Andreas Sjodin is a commercial and catalog photographer who has basically shot for everyone under the sun. Right after you watch this video you need to head over to his website and check out his amazing portfolio! I've said this so many times I hope you guys aren't sick of hearing me say this: Great and interesting photographs are almost never about technical lighting. I know with my own work, many times the best images are often not the ones that rely on the most innovative lighting but rather focus on something interesting or naturally beautiful. I love what Andreas says while shooting for mega clothing company H&M: "The easiest thing to shoot is someone looking good, what's difficult is to shoot someone looking good and interesting, and inspiring." I really think this approach is what separates the boys from the men, and it should be evident with Andreas's one light setup in this shoot.  Enjoy
Patrick Hall's picture

Patrick Hall is a founder of and a photographer based out of Charleston, South Carolina.

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mmm.. photek softlighter. lovely light modifiers.

Great video...great photographer...but that's not a one light setup haha.

I saw at least 2 ARRI hot lights with barn doors going into v-flats making a cove type setup along with the huge para.

Maybe someone else can comment on the lighting setup, see something I missed.

There's a guy there that's holding some sort of black card on the right and twisting it every now and then. What's that for?

between 4 - 6 lights used at once, 2 briese para beam(most favorite light in the world!) 2 profoto 8a packs with a bi-tube head, a few arri quartz/hmi . Been on this shoot before, they use tons of lights. But you can still do a lot with one light, personally I prefer the biggest best on of all, the suuuuun, mainly because it's free! ha!

Separates the boys from the men? Where do your female fstoppers fall in this example?

Great video though...