A Photography Based Proof Why We Most Definitely Did Land On the Moon

I have always been fascinated by space travel. Back in college a friend showed me a documentary that proposed that the moon landing is a hoax. The arguments were based on photography, videography, and lighting tricks and I remember thinking "wow could this really have been staged?" Mr. SG Collins makes a pretty compelling argument claiming that neither NASA nor Stanley Kubrick were actually technologically capable of producing a video that could stand up to modern scrutiny. Collin's photographic argument should put a final nail in the conspiracists' theory for good.

Patrick Hall's picture

Patrick Hall is a founder of Fstoppers.com and a photographer based out of Charleston, South Carolina.

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Gone awfully quite in this forum. What's the problem? Is the HARD EVIDENCE to much for you Pro Apollo Nutters to comprehend, and the fact that your lifelong fantasy was nothing more than a hoax? Do you feel gullible and stupid for being taken a ride into a fairy tale world of make believe, and you fell for it?   

In October 2012 we discovered a reflection that showed up in one of the Apollo 11 images. We asked people from both sides of the debate to have a look at it and to see what may have caused this reflection. We will now present our own investigation and the theory we would like to put forward for debate. We will start with the image that shows the upside down reflection of the number two.

No more postings please, as it is now case closed, Moon landings faked. 

The Apollo moon landings debate has been going on for 40 years. Some say it all really happened and that the photo material is the living proof of it. Others say it is all a hoax and the images were all made in studios. AwE130 did an investigation into these claims and has spoken and worked with people from both sides of the debate. This resulted in credits for our work in the “Apollo Lunar Surface Journal” (ALSJ), the leading archive published on the nasa.gov website. It is important to note that the ALSJ are not NASA. They are a group of people who started the archive in the 1990′s with the idea to create a historical archive about the Apollo moon landings. Later they asked NASA if they could run the ALSJ on the nasa.gov website and were allowed to do so. For more information about how the ALSJ came into existance you can listen to this interview with Eric Jones, one of the initiative takers of the ALSJ project and Chief Editor of the ALSJ (Click here for interview). The ALSJ do state on their website that the images are provided by NASA Johnson. They also state that images made from the original film are sometimes post processed. When this is done they mark the image (OF300). See link. Never is stated in the captions of images when they re-uploaded new image as an serious historical archive should do.hundreds of image altered by the “Apollo Lunar Surface Journal” without any reference or comment they just wallpapered over.

If you really think that this lame video closes the case of the moon hoax conspiracy, you are really very naive and you know extremely badly the moon hoax conspiracy.
You have absolutely no idea about the richness and abundance of arguments of the moon hoaxers.
You have no idea that the possibilities of faking the mmoon landings were much beyond what SG Collins tries to make believe.
And you have also no idea about how much more difficult it was to make a spaceship land on the moon than SG collins imagines it is.

I wish these idiots who still accept the Apollo fairy story would do some research, instead of making themselves look complete idiots.

Dutch live Apollo 11 broadcast was erased within 5 years.
In the Netherlads the Apollo 11 live broadcast was erased within 5 years (according to Rudolf Spoor, Television Director of the Apollo moon landings NOS). ED Hengeveld, an "Apollo Lunar Surface Journal" (ALSJ)contributor who works for the NOS (the Dutch equivalent of BBC) spent some years searching for the tapes before coming to the conclusion that they were gone.

There are 100 reasons why the moon landing is real.

There are 100 mirrors placed around the landing site.


Reflect on that!

The best Sci Fi movie with slow motion like 2001: A Space Odyssey is in 1968 and the moon landing is in 1969. And he said no technology to fake?