"ReMoved" - An Incredible film by Nathanael Matanick

In just over a week this film has received well over 250,000 views on Vimeo and Youtube, and seems to be going viral on Facebook right now. Nathanael Matanick, also known as "Heschle", has pulled together an incredibly emotional story to bring awareness to the importance of the foster program, and the need for quality foster parents. Please dedicate 13 minutes of your day to watch this straight through without interruption, and I suggest in full screen mode.

Here is a description of the film from Nathanael himself:

We made ReMoved with the desire that it would be used to serve in bringing awareness, encourage, and be useful in foster parent training, and raising up foster parents.

Originally created for the 168 Film Festival, ReMoved follows the emotional story through the eyes of a young girl taken from her home and placed into foster care.

After winning Best Film and Audience Choice at the 168 Film Festival, as well as winning Best Film at the Enfoque Film Festival and being an official selection at the Santa Barbara Independent Film Festival, we're extremely excited to share ReMoved online.

"It would be impossible to fully understand the life and emotions of a child going through the foster care system, but this short narrative film portrays that saga in a poetic light, with brushes of fear, anger, sadness, and a tiny bit of hope." -Santa Barbara Independent

This short film wouldn't be possible without the help of some of my incredible friends.
First, my wife, who schemed this project up with me, and was willing to do me the huge favor of writing and producing it. Without her partnership, this would not have happened, and definitely would not have been such a fun process. We were inspired to create this film while in foster parent training.

And then of course Tony Cruz. I asked him early on if he'd be willing to tackle this with me. I wasn't sure if I was really going to pursue it unless he said yes. He graciously agreed and was, to me, a huge source of confidence in knowing this project would turn out well. He and i discussed everything during the pre-production, and i counted on his creative mind to keep me on the right path. He even persuaded another key creative on the project, Greg Pickard, to join us. On Set Tony was my right hand man. On set, if I just wasn't feeling it, I had the trust in him to be able to just hand the scene off to him and know he would make it work. And he stepped in plenty of times when i just needed a break, or a separate perspective. Some of the best moments in the film are of his doing. Go check him out at www.tonycruz.co

We were very fortunate with Abby White, the young actress. Without her we wouldn't have a film.

Her parents were so amazing as well. I don't think they anticipated how much involvement it would take on their end, but they stuck with it the whole way. Abby's dad, Andy White from Good Times Guitar, even recorded Abby's Voice Over for us in his studio.


Heschle on Twitter

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Exceptional. Brilliantly acted.

This is the reason I became a CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocate, for abuse and neglected children in foster care. I'm also going to adopt siblings from foster care, which is exciting and scary at the same time. These children need a voice. They need help. Volunteer or donate if you can.

As a teenager I was verbally and emotionally abused by my mothers significant other. Although I never entered the foster care system as a ward, shortly before my 18th birthday, I got in touch with my father (whom I had never met) and moved away from my abuser. Shortly afterward, my father was stationed over seas and I lived a life very similar to that of a foster child, bouncing between my school and various family members (mainly my aunt, to whom I owe a great deal of my sanity), while I tried to pull my life back together. Without the support and care of the people around me (my foster-parents, for all intents and purposes) both during that first couple of years when I was a total disaster and now as I am learning to live again, I would very likely have ended up in a padded room somewhere. So for all of you who are willing to help those like me, who have lost their voice and their spirit to live and speak again, thank you from the bottom of my battered heart!

if I saw this going on I would of killed the guy ! and taken all the children and show them real love! my heart goes out to all the children who were brought into this world and their emotional welfare abandoned.

This is truly Amazing..well done Nathaniel xx

I've been a foster carer of teenagers for 20 years, this is an amazing view of the truth for so many, I've experienced these stories first hand. I want to say that I know how to facilitate healing with our children, by providing kindness, love, securety, engaging the demons to find a way in and through to the horrors they've experienced. Meeting them where they are, unconditional love, always seeing the light with in them holding it for them. Looking past the behaviours to what's underlying. Exactly like the dress in the film, triggering a reaction, working through to understanding, mirroring to the child without judgement. I have so much I'd like to teach and share about this. I also have been a part of many youths lives that have gone on to be successful, caring, giving, productive adults that have owned their difficult past. Im not saying any of it is easy, however with good loving skilled carers who do not give up our children/youth in foster care can and do flourish! Thank you for this excellent film!!!

This was beautifully done. Thank you for sharing some insight. My spouse and I have been considering becoming foster parents for 2 years. We just want to ensure that we help these children rather than making it worse through our ignorance or lack of the right amount of empathy. How do you ensure you have the patience to weather the really bad days?

It makes me cry in real tears as her father gets me upset with his drunken violent behaviour by bashing her mother when he can't get his own way. I feel sorry for the girl who had been physically abused by her father. From Erin Wi.

Many times these kids are let down by many adults not just parents and foster parents. It's important to report abuse when you see it.

That was amazing!!!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this Matt!