The Wednesday Rundown 1.12.11

Howdy, and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. For those who may be new to the site, my name is Jerrit, and I go through all of the videos sent in to us by you, the readers. Not every video can make the front of FS but many videos do have a lot to offer. Instead of throwing all of these extra videos out, I compile my favorites (which are usually the most informative) each Wednesday so you can learn from them as well. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.

Winter Fashion Shoot:

A great video that is very informative. This guy always makes sure he explains what he is doing which makes his videos so great. Very nice final images also!

Paintball Photographer:

You can be any type of photographer you want to be! I didn't even know this type of photographer existed but it sure does look fun.

Romantic Novel Cover Shoot:

A shoot for a romantic novel cover. A background is placed in the photo for the cover. I went to the website to check out the final pics on the book.

Jerrit Pruyn's picture

Jerrit Pruyn is a professional wedding photographer based in NYC. His work and articles have been featured on Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Huffington Post, and Daily Mail.

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The PaintBall video is Sick!!!

I submitted my video which is mentioned above, but I dont see the link or the video. Here it is:

That paintball video is awesome

I really don't see how the last video made it in here when compared to the other two.