The Wednesday Rundown 5.23.12

The Wednesday Rundown 5.23.12

Howdy everyone and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week loyal Fstopper's reader Tristan Neuhaus sent in another great BTS video. This one shows the behind the scenes work on a large group photo. The final image is very impressive and is worth a look. If you have a great and informative video you want to see in the Wednesday Rundown please shoot me an email .

BTS Video Group Scene:

Loyal Fstopper's reader Tristan Neuhaus and photographer Johannes Ginsberg, have sent in another great video. This one shows their work on a large group photo. The scene and lighting is pretty slick. Here is the final work on the website .

Dust and Dance:

I wasn't sure which direction this video was going to go but after seeing Thomas David's final photos I was very impressed. Check out this beautiful shoot.

Arkansas Parks & Tourism:

Check out this BTS video of the Parks department of Arkansas shooting some video via a zipline. They use a cool boom to get some unique angels for the video.

Jerrit Pruyn's picture

Jerrit Pruyn is a professional wedding photographer based in NYC. His work and articles have been featured on Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Huffington Post, and Daily Mail.

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1 Comment

how many Alexas can you use on one shoot - se their related beach shoot.