Bond of Brothers: Exploring the World Via Drone to Photograph the Textures of Earth

For years now I have been amazed by a lot of the content JP and Mike have been sharing on their Instagram account Abstract Aerial Art. Just recently, they revealed their story on the Focus Series from Polar Pro.

JP and Mike are some of the most talented aerial photographers I know and they seem to never be able to stay in one place. I realized their true passion years ago when I began chatting with them online about how they find the places they shoot. We had a whole chat about using Google Maps and pinpointing very specific locations to shoot during a specific point in the day. I remember being so intrigued by this because it was my exact process. Knowing how many hours was needed to do that, I began to chat with these guys more and more about travel, drones, photography, and video.

One thing you'll notice about the work they put out is the thought and attention to detail that goes into it all. Before these guys even get to their location, they have the exact image planned out in their mind ready to capture it for real. From the geometric lines and funky shapes to the textures, symmetry and patterns they find.... Their work just feels so clean and pleasing to the eye; leaving you to wonder what exactly it is that you're are looking at.

Abstract stuck with this process and as the years went on, these guys really dedicated themselves to traveling the world in search of the next photo they could take. They have raised a lot of eyes online and have also inspired thousands, if not millions of people with their aerial work. I am super proud to see how far these two have come but I am even more excited to see what else they will do in the future.

For more on Abstract Aerial Art, check out their website or Instagram.

I am a huge nerd when it comes to drones and have been flying for over 4 years. I enjoy doing aerial photography as my personal work but shoot tons of video for work as well. I am a part of Simply Visual Productions and Simply Sounds, working my way into an industry I couldn't be happier to be a part of.

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Mind blowing. :o