Work That Location to Your Advantage

Work That Location to Your Advantage

Let's be honest, how often do we get perfect conditions where everything just simply falls in the right place? 

As photographers, we are constantly finding ways to add to our images to make it interesting or to make it unique. However, in the field of advertising and commercial work where I come from, I am regularly taking out more than I was adding in. The art directors and clients would put in requests on a consistent basis to remove objects and things from the image. 

Work that location

This obsession with removing things in my line of work has taught me to work the location rather than the location to work for me. Instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, we can learn to work with what we have through simple image editing to remove things that will improve any image instantly. Take the below image for example. I was out shooting the new Lexus LC500 sports car and I was at this carpark where it was filled with many distracting objects. After removing them, the images became a whole lot better.

Here is another example of how a simple clean up of the road surface helps make this location work for this image.

The Best Location Is the One That You Make the Best out of It

There is that saying that goes " location, location, location" and it rings true to some extent. Where you shoot affects the quality of your image. However, next time when you are at a location that is not fully ideal, take a second look and see what you can achieve through simple retouching and clean up in post production. You can even do this on your mobile phone for your Instagram images which will make it look a whole lot more professional. There are plenty of apps (e.g Snapseed or Polarr) that allows you to do a simple clean up. Do explore and try it out. I hope this simple but powerful tip will help you to open up more possibilities when you are shooting in less than ideal situations.

Eric Chen RR's picture

A highly sought-after advertising photographer based in Singapore. Eric's keen understanding of branding has gained the trust of many top tier clients ranging from Samsung, Lexus, Toyota, ClubMed and Leica just to name a few. He has also amassed an audience on Instagram (@ericchenrr) that follows him on his travels around the globe.

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Great article! Love the colour grade on the images too, really made them look more expensive!

Thanks Shavonne! Love your color grading too on your pics :) The car is really expensive to start with haha.

Great greading, I tried this S-curve so many times on my photo and I never really liked the effect, but then I see results like this and I wish I could do something similar. Damn !

Hey! Try playing with the colours and blending modes in photoshop. Sometimes it is more about removing / muting some colors that are distracting and come up with your own color palette for this image. Add on the s-curve on top of that for good measure! :)

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