Creating Gorgeous Images With Only Flashlights [NSFW]

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Gear Acquisition Syndrome isn't just about camera bodies and lenses; it definitely extends to lighting as well. But sometimes, it's great to see someone go back to the bare basics of manipulating light. That's exactly what Daveed Benito does in this great video in which he uses only flashlights, and watching his process is a valuable lesson in lighting. 

He may be shooting with a Sony a7R II, but Benito is using nothing but standard flashlights and cellophane paper to light his sets. Using masking tape and clamps to hold the flashlights to stands, he creates very elaborately lit images using up to 16 lights at a time, diffusing and coloring them with the paper. Nonetheless, he's extremely precise and intentional in the way he uses each individual light, and I found it instructive to hear him talk through that process. While there are obvious issues like controlling power, shaping the output, white balance, etc., the results are still rather remarkable. It's a real treat to see such complicated scenes come together with such basic equipment and a lot of ingenuity. 

Check out Benito's website for more of his work and follow him on Instagram!

[via ISO 1200]

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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The flashlight seem nothing more than torchs. If you want to see a real flashlight master just look for Joe McNally. Nothing more to say.

The is an American website so we use American English. A torch is something on a pole that is lit by fire. A flashlight is a battery powered portable light. Joe McNally uses portable flashes.

Wow, that's one of the most chilling comments I've heard. Websites are global, and we learn to deal with differences in language.On behalf of the other Americans visiting this site, I apologize (apologise?) to you Bert.

Unfortunately, this is all just semantics. Flashlight/torch/handheld light thing, we all know what was used. It was great lighting either way and a pissing match over dialects doesn't change that.

I always wanted I experiment with flashlights. Great courage and ingenuity by Mr Benito to do it

No, not creeped out, fabulous work. Exposure would really depend on the environment, what worked for him there would be meaningless anywhere else.

Dude, come on. There's no reason for that cheap shot at the model. If you don't like the content of the shoot, that's on the photographer, and there're more mature ways to express that.


Gee, we've NEVER heard that one before, likening any beautiful woman to a prostitute. *yawn*. I suppose she should eat a sandwich, too? Or maybe you should ask her what her mother would think if she saw some lewd photos of her daughter? Again *yawn* #ssdd

William, if your belief is that every woman depicted in a "sexy" manner in art or advertising is a hooker, that says more about *you* than anyone else. Unless you refuse to watch any movie above a G rating, and avoid TV altogether (not to mention nearly every major printed publication in the world) you see "sexy" models all the time in all manner of genres, context and industries (of both genders, though yes mostly female.)

Your insult is laughable at best; and speaks more to your own ignorance and insecurities than anything else.

Adding big-chested women tends to make every "technique" seem more than it is...

Why is this [NSFW] ??? I did not see any nudity nor porn in it????

NSFW doesn't mean "this is porn" or "nudity." It's also just a friendly courtesy to let people know what they are clicking into might be taken out of context by people near you.

Google would consider this NSFW and since we run their ads to help pay for this site....well it gets a NSFW tag on it :)


It's strip poker, and she's losing.

The final shots look great.

What was the deal with the flashing light in the poker shoot, Was it just interacting oddly with the video, or, was he actually shooting with a pulsing light?

These lights usually have some modes that cycle each time they're turned off and on like a low output, high output and strobe (flickering) mode. It was probably on strobe mode.

very impressive

Beautiful execution!