Simple Ways to Get Out of Creative Photography Ruts


With great photography comes great responsibility. Taking photos can be fun, yet challenging at times, especially when you hit a creative rut. Remember, you don't need the most expensive camera or years of experience to have fun and create amazing images. 

Use All Your Available Space

Don't be afraid to use all the space in your photo. If you're motivated to take a photo of something, it's definitely ok for the photo to take up the whole shot with no or very little background showing. Keep distractions out of your shot, and focus on what you want. 

Study Forms

This is a very vital aspect to your photography. Understanding form in your photos can make some serious changes in the mood. Don't see an object; study its shape and form, and find the best angle to photograph your subject.  Form is all around us, and studying it can definitely help you master your craft. 

Learn to Use Contrast Between Colors

Some of the best photos have shades of white, gray, and black. You can take great shots with just one color on your subject, but the contrast between colors in a shot is what makes you a great photographer. Try using different shades.

Get Closer to Your Subject

One of the biggest mistakes most photographers make is not getting close enough to their subject. Get up close and personal. Like I always say, you can always reshape and resize a good shot, but you can't continue to blow up a distant subject. 

Change It Up

Sometimes as creatives, we tend to photograph the same thing over and over again without being conscious of it. Changing your focus can help you maintain a good flow of creativity. Go out of your safe place, and try to photograph something that you don't normally shoot. For example, I photographed a bunch of 1/6th scale statues and created an entirely different world. 

Shoot Consistently 

If you really want to get better pictures, take more pictures more frequently. With a digital camera, it is no longer a waste to snap away. Feel free to take a lot of photos of the same subject, just varying the angle, lighting, or backdrop. Experimenting will allow you to find the tricks that work best for you and will ensure that you will have at least a few great shots of each subject.

Isaac Alvarez's picture

Isaac Alvarez is a Los Angeles-based photographer. His work is a reflection of contemporary/cinematic. While his images are often on the edge of any situation, photographing the situation is not nearly as interesting as photographing the edges of human emotions.

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Isaac, always such fresh thoughts and accompanying visuals. Way to go

Thanks Sean.

So inspirational.... Always new things tend to build a better self.

When weather confines me to indoor shoots, I'm forced to push and play with new ideas: Here, shooting through unexpected objects.