Elevate Your Macro Photography With These Great Tips

Just about every photographer tries their hand at macro photography at some point in their life. Follow some of the tips in this great little video, and you just might be able to get the kind of shots you've always dreamed of.

It's easy to be inspired by the fantastic images of world more or less hidden from the naked eye that we see all over the internet. Most of us, however, give macro photography a whirl, but then are disappointed because our results don't match up with the stunning work we see from other shooters.

You may remember Don Komarechka from the excellent feature piece we recently published about his work. Komarechka is a photographer from Canada who specializes in the kind of mesmerizing macro work that the rest of us can only dream of. In this video, he gives some basic tips that form the foundation of his work and he challenges the rest of us to put in just a little bit of extra effort into our macro photos. Komarechka makes a great point that very rarely are fantastic macro shots made in the spur of the moment out in the wild. The same kind of thought that goes into a great portrait or landscape has to be applied to taking macro photos. With just a few tools like a flashlight and a spray bottle, Komarechka shows how to make some stunning macro shots by considering all the little pieces that go into assembling a really killer photo. Check out this quick video to get some great ideas on how to step up your macro game.

Andrew Strother's picture

Andrew is a professional photographer based in Houston, Texas. Texas is better than all other states including Canada.

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Gotta love the Don!

A lot of great ideas but I think he goes a bit too far for my taste.