The Truth About Some Photography Myths

The debate over “straight out of camera” photos often stirs strong opinions, but how much control do you really have before the shutter clicks? This video explains why the phrase might not mean what you think and digs into the reality of digital image processing.

Coming to you from Andrew Banner, this thought-provoking video argues against the idea that unedited photos straight out of the camera are inherently superior. Banner explains that the camera itself processes data before you ever see the final image, even when shooting in raw. For JPEGs, the internal processor applies settings like sharpening, contrast adjustments, and color tweaks. Banner stresses that this in-camera processing is still a form of post-processing—it’s just automated and irreversible. This undermines the notion that straight-out-of-camera images are purer or more skillful.

The video also touches on how understanding digital ISO helps clarify misconceptions about its role in exposure. Banner argues that ISO is not technically part of exposure, as it doesn’t affect the amount of light hitting the sensor. Instead, it amplifies the signal after the light is captured. By comparing ISO to the concept of gain in audio systems, Banner highlights how increasing ISO introduces signal degradation, often seen as noise in images. This nuanced explanation emphasizes that ISO’s role is more about brightness control than it is about exposure in the traditional sense.

Another key point is the value of knowledge in both technical and creative decisions. Banner discusses how understanding how your camera processes data can help you make informed choices about settings and post-processing software. He points out that different raw processors interpret the same data differently. This variability reinforces the importance of being intentional about how you handle your images after they leave the camera.

Banner also reflects on the role of preparation and composition in creating impactful images. He walks through his thought process while scouting and setting up shots, explaining how elements like light, angles, and environment contribute to the final outcome. This emphasizes the importance of deliberate planning and understanding how technical choices affect artistic expression. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Banner.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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Your breakdown of the “straight out of camera” debate is both insightful and refreshing. I appreciate how you debunk the myth of unedited purity by showing that even raw files involve a degree of processing. Your comparison of ISO to audio gain was especially clear and eye-opening—it’s a great way to reframe a technical concept in relatable terms. I also love how you emphasize the importance of preparation and composition in creating impactful images. It’s a solid reminder that artistry begins long before the shutter clicks. Thanks for sharing such a thoughtful perspective.

Paul Tocatlian
Kisau Photography

Great video! Straight Out Of the Camera as an ideal is mostly a myth, like 99% myth. While the software that allows us to preview is extremely useful, and as helpful as they might be, these images are only "average" or "ballpark" views. The previewing software algorithms are not gods of truth.
The reason I say only 99% myth is because I'm an old guy (72 years old) and shot lots, and lots of transparencies/slides in the 1970s through the 1990s. The only way you can do photography, with slides, is by viewing or displaying SOOC versions. Of course, magazine publishers or printmakers can slightly alter the information from a slide, but that's a tiny percentage of users. I won't go into Cibacrhome, though...
SOOC as an ideal is only applicable for transparencies. Negative film doesn't have the latitude of digital images, but the idea of SOOC as truth for negatives is as much a myth as it is for a digital file.

Teddy Alfrey