Try out This Fantastic Product Lighting Project at Home

Product photography is a fantastic genre in which to practice precise and careful lighting and post-processing, and even if it is not what you specialize in, the skills you learn can carry over to whatever you do shoot. This great video will show you how you can use a single light to composite a great glassware product image. 

Coming to you from Gavin Hoey with Adorama TV, this excellent video will show you how to composite a product photography shot when you only have one light. In it, Hoey chooses to composite the final image because he wants to add a rim light, but he only has one light. He will also show you how to composite the individual frames into the final image. Given the current situation, this is a fantastic project to try right now; all you need is a light and some sort of glassware from your cupboard. Grab your camera and a bottle and give it a try. Check out the video above for the full rundown. 

If you would like to continue learning about product photography, be sure to take a look at "The Hero Shot: How To Light And Composite Product Photography With Brian Rodgers Jr."

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Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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1 Comment

I love Gavin's videos. He does such a great job of explaining things, and he reminds me of Murray from Flight of the Conchords!