Your Guide to Finding Crazy Instagram Photography Hashtags

Your Guide to Finding Crazy Instagram Photography Hashtags

I have no idea where some of the trends are born from when it comes to hashtags, but with Instagram search and related hashtags feature, you can follow the breadcrumbs and grab a number of fresh tags you would never think of on your own.

If you are posting photos on Instagram chances are that you are using hashtags. What you might not know, is that these can be pointless when used wrong, and a moving target to use right.

For this article, I started on my favorite hashtag generator site Display Purposes with a search for #exposure. The results give you a copy and paste-ready hashtag clouds meant to include your search and a balanced mix of related keywords. This is where you can find things you might never even think of, to begin with.

This showed me a related tag #awesomedreamplaces with 361,806 posts that I would have never dreamed up on my own. I also found out that the #exposure tag was mostly spam and not worth using. The Instagram hashtag search result pages have a dynamic related list of hashtags right above the results. As you click a new one to check it out a new list is presented. This is a great way to go down the rabbit hole and really find the new popular hashtags the cool kids are using.

While I didn't cover every possible type of photography like last time, I broke down some copy and paste-ready lists of tags to get your best photos going and seen by more eyes. If nothing else, browse these galleries as a fresh source of inspiration and photographers to follow.

#jaw_dropping_shots #magicpict #natgeotravel #natgeotravelpic #lonelyplanet #ig_shotz #shotwithlove #icatching #master_shots #worldshotz #global_hotshotz #tourtheplanet #ourplanetdaily #awesomeglobe  #destinationearth #earthofficial #theimaged #visualambassadors #eclectic_shotz #splendid_xposure #welivetoexplore #tlpicks #seetheworld #landscape_lover #exclusive_shots #lensbible #agameoftones

Sleepers Under 1 Million (25)

#fstoppers #majestic_earth #mthrworld #voyaged #awesomedreamplaces #awesome_globepix #awesome_earth #igrefined #got_greatshots #master_gallery #igworld_global #world_bestnature #earthfever #visualwanderlust #lifeofadventures #wildvisuals #landscapestylesgf #landscape_collection #discoverlandscape #landscapeshot #naturescape #vibegramz #visualgrams #all2epic #strangertonez 

Portrait (26)

#postmoreportraits #postthepeople  #featurepalette  #portrait_perfection  #bestphotogram_portraits #quietthechaos #makeportraitsnotwar #agameofportraits #discoverportrait #moodyports #portraitfeed #portraitsociety #theportraitculture #creativeportraits #portraitinspiration #ourportraitsdays #bestshooter_portraits #make_portraits #portrait_shots #rsa_portraits #top_portraits #portrait_ig #peoplegallery #portraitpage #endlessfaces #facesobsessed

Long Exposure (18)

#longexposureshots #longexposure_world #longexposure_photos #longexposurephotography #longexposureoftheday #longexpoelite #longexposure_kings #longexpolite #ig_longexposure #slowshutter #longexpo_addiction #amazing_longexpo #slowshutterspeed #lazyshutters #nightscaper #amazing_longexpo #superphoto_longexpo #long_exposure 

Good Luck

Try some of these suggestions out or build your own list to fit your genre. Just remember to make sure the Instagram search results are current and not too filled with spam or off-topic photos.

Don't forget to visit our official Fstoppers Instagram page and feel free to add the #fstoppers hashtag to your post to share with the community.  

Michael B. Stuart's picture

Michael B. Stuart is a photographer at Stu Stu Studio in Lewiston, New York. Besides shooting weddings with his wife Nicole his specialties include long exposure, abstract monochrome creations, architecture, and bokeh. Work has been featured online by Adobe, Flickr, Google, and 500px with the most popular photo receiving over 950 million views.

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Because you don't exist unless you're getting likes on social media...

That's if any of us exist in the first place... #simulation #hologram

You just broke my brain... Oh wait, it was already broken. O.O;;

I've been messing with SEO for my website recently and I've started to wonder if anybody uses search engines anymore and if it all just comes off social media sources now. Does the internet no longer exist outside of Facebook?


wowsers, this is for real?


#howtoclosetheaccountonthisuselesssite ?

I used display purpose and since the new version of instagram algorith...I have ZERO views from hastags...seems to not worth bothering anymore with hastags. The new instagram is a massive fail

#deletedfacebookandinstagram #nevermademoremoney #you’rebetteroffspendingtimeinrealworld

It never ceases to amaze me the number of snarky commenters who know exactly what the article is about from the title yet still take the time to make comments that they don't like whatever the article is about. I guess the rest of us shouldn't get a choice to read these articles because of their lack of success?

Many tend to assume that everyone should already know things that get posted here, e.g tutorials, when in reality, there's new photographers coming into this industry every day and need educational resources!

I already knew that new photographers come into the industry every day. Come back with a comment that pleases MEEEEE.


#machinery - WTF kind of suggestions are they???? (See image) So I tried just #machine. No results. I tried some other things and the results ranged from lacklustre to plain weird.