James Quantz Jr's picture

Skai Moore - SC Football

One of the series of gel-blur images we created for last season's football campaign. The technique took some practice as well as some trial and error but the results were unique with every frame. The best results were often from pre-scripted movements based on the individual player.

56mm · f/5.6 · 1s · ISO 160
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Wow, very cool image! Glad to see fellow work from someone else in South Carolina!

Hey Patrick, I'm right up the road so let's get together sometime!

This comment aged rather nicely!


Love the lighting and how colour also helps support the concept!!!!

Thanks, Brendan!


Just an incredible sick image. Nice job!

Thanks, Kevin!

Ah! this is so awesome! I don't shoot sports but this makes me want to LOL

Very fierce look!

Shutter drag and second curtain?

Yes, rear curtain sync after around a second I believe!

Forever to Thee - Great image fellow Gamecock! Would love to see a setup on how to do this type of shot...