Saajan Manuvel's picture


It was quite a stroke of luck to have the frontage clean without any people or photo gears though there were photographers teeming. Taken by around 6.30 evening in February first week, location : Sharjah (UAE) The sky is added for it was flat however the golden rays were coming through the building and spot-removed just one photographer who appeared at the right most near the wooden bench. The rest is real as you see to be frank I did not even notice the symmetry until I opened it in LR.

16 · f/8 · 40 - 125 multi · ISO 100
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I like the composition, simple and clean. However, the image looks a bit too "artificial", especially the sky looks photoshopped to me. I probably wouldn't have cranked the saturation slider up that much. But still, the composition is great :)

I see you have a lot of opinions on other's work without displaying a single piece of your own. How interesting.

Since when does have an opinion depends on having work posted? BTW No one cares how many you've commented on, nor whether it's been positive or not. You are the only one keeping score.

Guys, chill. I just wrote down my own thoughts and my opinion about the image. For MY taste, it looks too artificial. There's nothing wrong with photoshopping images, we all do it. I just say that I would've preferred the colours to be less vibrant, especially the sky. Because it's just very obvious that this image has come a long way and has probably not that much to do with the image the photographer captured in camera. As a piece of art I don't want to deprive the image of its beauty, but I'm just saying that this is not a naturalistic looking image. Maybe the editor did not have the intention of making it look natural, then it's fine

George Seurat was the original Photoshopper and I still love his work. It's a beautiful image no matter how you did it.

You expect US to believe that YOU got a clean shot of this building, at THIS time of day, with THIS kind of sky, and NO other people in sight??

Ok...well done.

The sky is added for it was flat however the golden rays coming through the building are natural and I cloned out just one photographer who appeared at far right near the wooden bench which was not quite conspicuous though. The rest is real as you see, to be frank I did not even notice the symmetry of lights lit inside until I opened it in LR. If you expand and pixel-peep you can see a huge tripod set right in the center door as well.

Beautiful shot

Very nice.

very clean and powerful. I wish the sky was toned down a bit to feel more realistic. but still, nice job.

Thanks for your review and appreciations Brian Wetzel

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