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Nicole Jackson
Cedar Rapids, IA

Bookmarked Articles

How to Start a Part-Time Career in Photography

Photography isn’t an all-or-nothing venture; you can be a part-time photographer and do quite well for yourself while maintaining a full-time job. Here’s how to do it.

Check Out These Secrets Photographers Use to Make Food Look Awesome

Any burger advertisement makes it seem like, for just a couple of bucks, you’ll get a juicy stack of meat piled high with vegetables on a crisp bun. Reality never meets expectations, of course, and so, if you’re wondering why your limp burger with wilted vegetables never looks like that advertisement, this video will show you why.

How to Make the Jump From Amateur to Professional Photographer

Making the jump from amateur to professional photographer can be both an exciting and scary thing, and it’s important to know how to do everything correctly. Make sure you do all these things before you open for business.

How One Photographer Set Up a Very Small Studio Space

For a hobbyist or someone just starting out, the cost of renting your own studio space can simply be too much or something not yet justified by the amount of time you spend on photography. This great video shows how one photographer made a studio space out of a small room in his New York apartment.

The Importance of Test Shoots

Most of us reach a stage in our career (usually early on) where we feel a bit lost and like we are on the wrong train. If you are stuck in that rut, here are some great reasons to get out there and start collaborating on test shoots.

The Ultimate Micro Four-Thirds Lens Guide - Part 2: The Telephoto Zooms

In part two of our Micro Four-Thirds lens guide, we focus on some of the best telephoto lens options. The 2x crop factor of this format offers photographers and videographers some seriously impressive reach which is compact and affordable compared to full-frame alternatives.

The Beginner's Guide to Culling and Why We Do It

The process of culling is used in every type of photography and is used by professionals and amateurs alike. Culling is simply the process of selecting the best images from a shoot to be edited and delivered to a client. When photographers first start out in the editing world, this process can seem like a waste of time or hard to figure out a best practice. So I’m going to explain why we cull and some of the best ways to do it.

Matthew Jones Stands Out to Photography Clients with His Pocket Portfolio

In this age of an increasingly competitive photography market, we shooters need to utilize every tool possible to make us stand out in the pack. My buddy Matthew Jones has gone back to basics with his printed pocket portfolio. He has found that in a world of modern digital portfolios, these printed books allow prospective clients to not only have something that they can take home and remember his work by, but it even easily fits in their pockets! Jones shares his thoughts on the benefits of having a pocket portfolio below.

With Taylor Mathis
So You Want To Make A Professional Looking Print Photography Portfolio

One of my regular followers, Mike Nelson, said that there are plenty of resources on WHERE to buy portfolios, but very little information on HOW to make a photography portfolio. He suggested I do a blog post and share my personal perspectives and advice on the subject. I’ve also included contributions and tips from other photographer friends (such as Luke Copping whose work is featured in the video above) in the industry. Hopefully the following post will teach you everything you need to know.

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