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Jonathan Senécal
Montreal, QC, CA

Bookmarked Articles

How to Create Amazing Eye Catching Portraits Using the Equipment You Already Own

In the world of Instagram and social media, what we see, is a lot of times not as it really seems. The line between what is real and what is fake is quickly blurring. In this article, go behind the scenes with instagram photographer, Calob Castellon and see how he creates captivating portraits using nothing more than a camera, and a little bit of creativity. If he can do it, you can too.

Camera upgrade. Best for portrait

Hi. I’m currently rocking a gh2 and it’s starting to show it’s age. I’m looking to upgrade and I’m hesitating between...

Needs some advice to recreate this

Hi. Just got maried so I have the rings. I’m new to this and my gear is a gh2 with a lumix 25mm 1.7 I’m pretty much...
Shooting With Color Gels

There are times when I find myself shooting the same stuff or using the same lighting setup over and over again. Repetition helps to improve and fine-tune my skills, but sometimes it just feels boring and degrading, let alone useless for my portfolio.

But as much as I dislike feeling stuck and repeating myself, I now realize how such times in fact help me to become a better artist and shooter. It's usually the desire to entertain myself and experiment that leads me to new personal artistic discoveries. It's when I'm bored and want to "spice it up", I start searching for new lighting ideas, tricks and techniques.

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