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Ruth Carll
Shrewsbury, NJ

Bookmarked Articles

South Tyrol, Italy

Sunset in Aschbach, South Tyrol, Italy.
How Do You Know Whether a Photo Should Be in Color or Black and White?

One of the most fundamental yet impactful decisions you can make regarding the post-processing of a photograph is whether to render it in color or in black and white. The choice of which is not always clear for a given image, however, but this great video seeks to provide some guidelines for choosing between the two.

Five Mistakes Photographers Make and How to Fix Them

No photographer is perfect, and we all makes mistakes from time to time that detract from the quality and power of our images. This helpful video details five such mistakes and what you can do to fix them to create more powerful and emotive photos.

The Importance of Keeping an Open Mind and Being Flexible in Photography

One of the central principles we hear over and over in photography is the importance of pre-visualizing shots and planning one's work in advance. And while those are absolutely important, it's also just as beneficial to keep an open mind and to be willing to adjust to the conditions you've been given to come away with the best possible image.

Five Steps to Master Your 70-200mm Telephoto Lens

When you talk about landscape photography, chances are, you associate it with wide angle lenses. Telephoto lenses are probably the least used in landscape photography, but they do have some fantastic qualities to them.

You May Be a Photographer, but Are You an Artist?

I personally want to learn. I want to learn how other creatives think and I want to draw upon their experience. I loved this video and you can pull so much out of it despite the photographs being kinda ugly. Everyone taking photos are photographers but are they artists? That is a whole other question. Here are seven thoughts to help you become an artist.

A Cold Day In February

I had gotten my Canonet GIII back from being serviced and I wanted to see how the meter worked, So I carried it into...
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