Photography News

Get Free Unlimited Google Drive Storage

By now, you should already know the importance of backing up your data, and while storage (even cloud storage) isn't all that expensive these days it's still an expense. So here is my holiday gift to you: unlimited Google Drive storage for free. See for yourself if you qualify.

Here Comes the New Canon Full Frame Mirrorless Camera

Canon has done quite well in rounding out its full frame mirrorless camera lineup, offering models like the ultra-affordable EOS RP, the do-everything EOS R5, and the top-shelf EOS R3, with a few other models spread in between. Now that the line is well established, the time to start replacing older models is just about here, and that will begin in just a few months.

What You Don't Know About This Photograph Has the Power To Change Opinions

This gruesome photograph became pivotal anti-war propaganda that drastically shaped public opinion. The horrific frozen frame depicts a baptismal moment of unwavering distinction, a moment in a time that could not be undone, an elevated wartime tension that could not be unraveled. In this sense, the photograph was successful. It was shocking and characteristic in its ability to drive the anti war movement, protesting against brutality of the Vietnam conflict. But, what you can't see, is enough to change your perspective completely.

Photographer Harassed by Woman in Park

A family photographer who was in the middle of photographing young children in a public park was verbally harassed by a woman who was upset that the photographer was using the park for photo sessions earlier this week.

Canon Breaks the Silence on Viltrox Lenses

News recently broke that Viltrox, a brand known for their affordable lenses, has stopped manufacturing for the Canon RF mount after rumors that Canon had asked them to pull their products. Canon recently confirmed that news, and it certainly raises questions about the future of third-party lenses for their mirrorless cameras.

Video Shows Photographer Breaking Back in Deathly Surf

“I just remember feeling weightless and it taking a really long time to come down." What came next for surf photographer Ryan Moss wasn't pretty. He's now in a hospital bed in Honolulu. To see exactly what happened in waves never seen before, read on.

If These Specs Are Real, the Nikon D850 Will Be the Last Camera You'll Ever Need [Rumor]

Nikon let us down softly with a barely a glimmer of information Tuesday as it announced development of the D850, but gave little additional information. Between yesterday and today, NikonRumors received leaked photos of the D850 and shared some specifications the camera should feature. Many of these are in line with what we expected from previous rumors, but there are some additional surprises that are sure to impress even the most cynical-minded.

A Long-Awaited Canon Lens Is on the Way

Canon's RF lens library has been steadily growing, with a wide variety of standard lenses and more extreme options for a range of photographers' needs. Nonetheless, there are still a few lenses that professionals are looking for, and thankfully, another one will likely be on its way soon, with some major improvements in tow.

Canon Introduces Another Wild Idea

Canon has recently filed a patent application that has caught the attention of a few eagle-eyed photographers, as it could radically transform the ways in which we can use any lens.

Instagram Deletes Dozens of Accounts With Millions of Followers Without Warning

Instagram recently deleted dozens of accounts, some with up to 13 million followers, in a mass purge that focused on meme accounts. The company did not give any explanation for the suspensions beyond "violations of terms of service," but there are several theories as to why the accounts were removed.

Here Comes Another Impressive Canon Lens

Ever since the release of the RF 28-70mm f/2 L USM, Canon has had the pedal to the floor when it comes to lens development, and it seems the company has no intention of slowing down anytime soon. The company is planning the release of another lens later this year that will be an update of one of their hidden gems.

Instagram Is About to Ruin Your Perfect Grid

Instagram is planning a change that is going to upset a lot of people. If you are one of those who likes to keep all your images in order and make use of the 3 x 3 grid, prepare for a storm that may stir your account's real estate.

Another New Canon Mirrorless Camera Emerges

2022 has been a busy year for Canon, with multiple cameras and lenses released, but it is not over yet. It appears Canon has one more camera in store before the end of the year.

Canon Is Planning an Ultra-High-Resolution Mirrorless Camera

The Canon 5DS and 5DS R were notable for offering 50-megapixel sensors at a time when that was an extremely high resolution for a full frame camera. Nowadays, 45-50 megapixels is much more common on higher-end camera bodies, with full frame options topping out at 61 megapixels. It looks like Canon plans to eclipse that figure by a significant amount with a new camera, however.

A Small Hobby Drone Reaches 33,000 Feet

A Russian drone pilot managed to fly his little 2.3 lbs drone close to the cruising altitude of most airliners. As surprising as it sounds, the technology used for this flight is very common.

Photographer Captures Food Chain in 'One in a Trillion Shot'

Doc Jon was walking along the boardwalk April 13 in Madeira Beach, Florida with his Sigma 150-500mm lens attached to his Canon 6D, when a passerby asked him a simple question: "What can you shoot with that thing?" To give an example, the owner of a medical consulting firm who has branded himself Doc Jon spotted an osprey 400 feet over his head, lifted his lens to the sky, and captured what he calls a "one-in-a-trillion shot."

Vulva Photographer Shows Women Their Genitals Are Beautiful

Photography can be a powerful tool for good. Photographer Ellie Sedgwick recognized that, and she's using her camera skills for a coffee table book on vulvas and to encourage body positivity, curiosity, and understanding.

Another Canon Camera Is on the Way

Canon has continued to plow full speed ahead with their mirrorless camera and lens development. It looks like they have no intention of slowing down either, with a new camera coming in February.

Nikon Just Slashed the Price of the D850: Is a Replacement on the Way?

The Nikon D850 was a groundbreaking camera when it was released in July 2017, though its price had dropped by a quarter by the following summer. Now, it’s cheaper than ever thanks to a $500 reduction, but does this price drop come ahead of the release of its successor?

Apple Accidentally Leaked the iPhone 8

Even though Apple had claimed to have doubled down on the secrecy of their products it seems they made one major oversight. One iOS developer has dug into the readily available firmware for its yet to be launched HomePod and found some confirmations of what the iPhone 8 will be like.

Canon Is Getting Serious About Mirrorless Lenses

Canon has released some mightily impressive lenses to go with its RF system cameras, but the lineup still needs a lot of gaps filled in. It seems that they'll be releasing a bevy of RF lenses in the future.
Later Now Offers Automated Instagram Publishing

Perhaps in keeping with its name, Later has caught up with Hootsuite and now allows users to automatically post images to Instagram, joining a small number of social media management tools that offer this feature.

The Canon EOS R7 Mirrorless Camera Is Coming

Canon's mirrorless camera has filled out nicely in the last few years, with powerful models like the EOS R5 and EOS R3 offering professional-level performance and options like the EOS RP and EOS R6 offering more affordable pricing with reasonably balanced feature sets. Missing in all of that is an advanced APS-C mirrorless camera, but thankfully, that will likely change later this year.

Canon Patents Another Crazy Lens

Canon has always had some extreme lens designs, but they really kicked things into high gear when they got serious about the mirrorless world. It seems they have no intentions of slowing down, as another patent for a crazy lens has emerged.

Canon Plans to Undercut the Competition's Prices With the EOS R3

Canon recently confirmed the upcoming EOS R3 mirrorless camera with some jaw-dropping specs, leaving many to wonder just where it will sit in terms of price. It looks like in addition to its aggressive features, Canon will also place it at an aggressive price that undercuts the competition.

We May Soon See Serious Shortages of Sony, Canon, and Nikon Cameras

With many popular cameras currently in high demand but short supply, a lot of photographers and videographers are anxiously waiting for stocks to be resupplied and their cameras to arrive. Those delays may be significantly lengthened for multiple manufacturers due to a fire at a Japanese integrated components factory.

Never Before Seen Images of Marilyn Monroe Released

In a new book, “The Essential Marilyn Monroe,” Milton H. Greene’s son, Joshua Greene features 284 of his father's images with 176 images never before being seeing by the public.

An Exciting Canon Lens Is on the Way

Recently, rumors emerged saying that the Canon EOS R6 Mark II's release was imminent. That story continues, and it seems that in addition to the new camera next month, we will also see a mirrorless version of one of Canon's most legendary lessons.