Trending Photography News and Reviews

Fujifilm Instax Mini Evo Versus Leica Sofort 2: Which Is The Best Instant Camera?

Instant photography has long held a special place in the hearts of photo enthusiasts, offering the unique charm of instant, tangible memories. In this modern era where digital photography predominates, the allure of instant film cameras persists, blending nostalgia with contemporary technology.

More News About the Canon EOS R1 and EOS R5 Mark II Mirrorless Cameras Emerges

There's interesting news about Canon's upcoming camera releases for 2024, particularly for those interested in what will be the company's two most important cameras in years, the EOS R1 and EOS R5 Mark II. According to their latest report, Canon is set to prioritize the launch of the Canon EOS R1, positioning it ahead of the EOS R5 Mark II in their release schedule.

How Good Is This Ultra-Affordable Tilt-Shift Lens?

Tilt-shift lenses are a powerful tool for photographers, offering control over perspective and depth of field for creative and technical applications. However, professional tilt-shift lenses are often prohibitively expensive, which makes this lens an intriguing option.

Amazing Large Format Portraits

Getting the perfect shot with a large format camera can be tricky, but the results are worth it. The combination of a large negative and precise control over focus and depth of field can create stunning images.

Accessories To Optimize Your iPad or Tablet for On-The-Go Editing

If you want to pack light everyday and still be able to get a lot of work done, a tablet can definitely step up for some of the post-production work that you do. With the help of these tools, you’ll be able to fully utilize the capabilities of your tablet computer.

My Tribute to Alyn Wallace

The photography world was stunned on March 29 as we heard the news that Alyn Wallace, a popular and incredible astrophotographer, has sadly passed away. In this article, I want to pay tribute to Alyn.

Is This the Answer to All Your Color Issues? We Review Datacolor’s Spyder Checkr Photo

Color. Vivid green forests, melty brown chocolate, voluptuous red lips: color is the reason that compels so many of us to reach for our cameras. When I was approached about reviewing Datacolor's Spyder Checkr Photo, I was skeptical. Color is one of the most-often stated reasons clients approach me. Was this little device just another gimmick marketed to chroma junkies, or was it a tool that would fine tune my color-centric work? I gave it a try, and I’m here to share my findings with my fellow artists who love color as much as I do.

The Hidden 'Mask Anything' Tool in Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Lightroom has continued to become more powerful over the years. If it has been a while since you have used Lightroom, you might be surprised at how far it has come. Masking is an area where the software has greatly improved, including a tool that could have been called the Mask Anything tool.

Do You Really Need a 4K Monitor?

Should you get a high-resolution 4K monitor or will a lower-resolution display be sufficient? There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as it depends on several factors like your vision, editing needs, and display size. However, this helpful video will help you decide.

Solving Common Wedding Photo Editing Issues in Lightroom

On a wedding day, you will face a variety of challenges that are beyond your control. From lighting issues to rushed timelines, these difficulties can create editing nightmares. This helpful video will show you how to fix five common issues in Lightroom.

Apple Vision Pro for Photographers: How Useful?

The Apple Vision Pro is all over the news lately. It's an expensive $3,500 wear-on-your-head device that offers augmented reality, virtual reality, and what Apple calls "Spatial Computing." (That's just the base price. Adding memory and prescription lenses adds to your ticket.)

The Lenovo Legion 7i Laptop: A Deep Dive Into Its Design and Capabilities

The Lenovo Legion 7i, touted as Lenovo's best-looking laptop, has garnered attention for its sleek design and performance capabilities. This model stands out with its white color and brushed aluminum edges, offering a premium feel that sets it apart from its predecessors in tandem with the power creatives demand.

New iPhone App for Amazing Time-lapses in 4K

Have you ever taken a time-lapse with your phone and been... underwhelmed? They can look choppy, gritty, and far from the professional-quality videos you can produce using a DSLR or mirrorless camera. Well, a solution may, quite literally, be in hand.
Nik Collection 7 Released: Faster and Newer, But Loses A Bit Along the Way

The Nik Collection, a set of seven photo editing tools, has just received a version number update. Version 7 brings with it primarily speed and workflow improvements, but is that enough to justify a whole new upgrade? In this review, I’ll discuss the new features, improvements, and even a surprise missing feature of this venerable editing suite.

The Premium Compact King Is Back! Fujifilm X100VI Preview

The successor to the worldwide popular, and rightfully so, Fujifilm X100V has finally been revealed! The new X100VI brings forth some very welcome features while staying true to what made the X100 lineup great. We’ve used it for a while and loved it! How was it? What’s new? What stayed the same? Is it worth upgrading? Will you even be able to get one?

How To Retouch Faces in Video

Almost anyone can remove acne or wrinkles in a photo, but retouching a face video used to be a monumental task... until now.
Prism Lens FX Filter Face-off: Lucid Dream FX Versus Moody FX Filters

I’ve been seeing Prism Lens FX filters everywhere and have been curious about what they're actually like to shoot with. There are so many interesting filters available that it’s hard to know which ones are worth the investment. So, here’s a comparison of the Lucid Dream FX Filter and the Moody FX Filter.

A Review of the Hasselblad X2D 100C Medium Format Mirrorless Camera

The Hasselblad X2D 100C brings an ultra-powerful, modern medium format sensor inside an extremely portable body (with equally portable lenses to match), making it a dream camera for many photographers who want high image quality without a lot of bulk. How does it perform in real-world usage? This excellent video review takes a look at the sort of performance and image quality you can expect.

Foreground Photography: Adding Context and Storytelling to Your Images

Foreground elements in photography do more than just fill space. When used with intent, they can introduce context, enhance storytelling, provide frames that guide the viewer's attention, create balance, and elevate the visual appeal of the images. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, understanding how to effectively use foregrounds can enhance your photography. In this guide to foreground photography, we'll explain the effect of foregrounds and provide you with tips and inspiration for using them effectively in your portrait photography.

Is the MacBook Air M3 the Best Laptop for Photographers?

Selecting the ideal laptop for photography isn't just about choosing a portable computer; it's about finding a versatile tool that enhances your artistic and processing capabilities without becoming a financial burden. This excellent video review takes a look at the MacBook Air M3 for photographers.

Mastering Light: Innovative Techniques with Strip Boxes

Strip boxes are an essential tool for photographers looking to refine their lighting techniques. Their dual functionality as both a narrow and broad light source allows for unparalleled versatility in creating both dramatic and subtle lighting effects.

Canon Introduces Another Wild Idea

Canon has recently filed a patent application that has caught the attention of a few eagle-eyed photographers, as it could radically transform the ways in which we can use any lens.

Surprising Ways That Bad Images Improve Your Photography

We all want to take better photos. There are countless ways of learning how to do that. Attending courses and workshops, watching YouTube videos, and reading books and articles such as this are traditional approaches. But there is one unexpected way too: embracing bad photography.

The Gear You Must Have for Low-Light Photography

Photographing in low light is one of the most challenging tasks you can encounter. This is a scenario where your setup truly matters. Not only should you know what to do with your camera, but also keep in mind which camera to bring for low-light photography. In this article, I will go over the essential gear for such work.

How to Get More From Photoshop's Generative Fill Feature

Effective use of Photoshop's Generative Fill can significantly enhance editing possibilities. This tool, while powerful, can often be unpredictable, making proficiency in its application essential for photographers who aim to achieve precise edits in their workflow.

The Harsh Reality of Being a Full-Time Photographer

Doing photography full-time is anyone's dream. Full-time is regarded as a sign of making it in the business. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Here are some of the blessings and curses of being a full-time photographer.

How to Fix Bad Lighting in Lightroom

We have it drilled into us from the very start about the importance of good light in photos, and while that is certainly crucial, you are not always guaranteed the proper light when you press the shutter. In those situations where you know you have an image with potential, knowing how to manipulate the light a bit in post can make all the difference. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how to do just that in Lightroom.

I Wish I Had Known This Photoshop Trick Earlier

In this video tutorial by Christian Möhrle, you'll learn a great technique for improving your wide-angle photos by enlarging distant subjects in your landscape photos.

Canon Contemplates Entering the Retro Camera Market Amid Rising Popularity

With the photography industry witnessing a resurgence of interest in vintage aesthetics, major players like Nikon and Fujifilm have successfully tapped into the nostalgia, capturing both attention and sales with their retro-inspired models. Amid this trend, Canon has hinted at potentially joining the fray with a fixed lens camera that nods to the past while embodying the present.

Mastering Perspective and Focus: A Deep Dive into Tilt-Shift Lenses

Tilt-shift lenses offer unique capabilities, transforming images with unparalleled control over focus and composition. This is particularly vital for photographers who demand precision in architectural and landscape photography, where maintaining straight lines and selective focus is key. They're also fantastic creative tools. This helpful video will show you everything you need to get started with them.

Embracing the Challenge of Nude Photo Shoots

Nude photo shoots can be intimidating for both the model and the photographer. Here's how I embraced the challenge, overcame intimidation, and found my creative flow.

Rethinking Effort and Outcome in Landscape Photography

Landscape photography often entails a complex blend of planning, physical effort, and an intimate understanding of the natural environment. This dedication to the craft, from pre-dawn hikes to meticulous weather monitoring, epitomizes the photographer’s quest for the perfect shot—a pursuit that is as rewarding as it is demanding.

From the Archives: Stories From Life Magazine's Greatest Photographers

Life magazine was known for its large format photojournalism. In 1984, filmmaker David Hoffman made this not-to-be-missed television documentary about the history of Life, which included interviews with some of their greatest photojournalists. It's just as interesting today, if not more, than it would have been back then.
We Review the Elinchrom THREE

Elinchrom has a pretty wide range of lights on offer, but their newest edition fills a gap in their lineup that users will be happy to see.

The Real Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Light Modifiers

I get a lot of commentary on using expensive photo equipment, most notably lighting. Fair enough, a $400 softbox is not for everyone, and most people find it ridiculous to use a modifier this expensive. However, there are good reasons to use such tools. Here is why.

A Review of the Versatile Canon RF 24-240mm f/4-6.3 IS USM Lens

In the past few years, we have seen some nice advancements in the quality of superzoom lenses, and there are now several options that offer good results along with the unmatched versatility of a huge range of focal lengths. For Canon shooters, there is the RF 24-240mm f/4-6.3 IS USM, and this excellent video review takes a look at the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

Five Essential Tips for Protecting Your Camera in the Rain

Embracing inclement weather, such as rain, can help add interest to your landscape photographs. Rain can add richness to colors, atmospheric mist, or even dark, moody clouds for grand scenes. But how do you protect your camera gear in these conditions? Here are five tips to help keep your camera safe.

Battle of Antietam: Bearing Witness Through the Lens of History

The Battle of Antietam, fought on September 17, 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, was a pivotal engagement during the American Civil War and remains the single bloodiest day in American military history, with over 22,000 casualties. The battle also prompted President Abraham Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, shifting the focus of the war to one of emancipation and forever altering its course.