Lowepro Updates Pro Trekker AW Camera Backpack Series

Lowepro’s Trekker series of camera bags have long been a staple for outdoor photographers who need to comfortably carry larger loads into the field. Check out these new updates to the Pro Trekker backpacks.

Motion Array Releases a New Extension for Adobe

Do you regularly work on video projects and find yourself spending a lot of time searching for various assets online? Motion Array has released a new extension for Adobe to help you cut down on the time you spend jumping between your project and your internet browser.

The Five Pieces of Advice I've Gotten That Shaped My Career as a Photographer

Our lives are collections made up of people and moments. Every day, there is a plethora of wisdom that passes by, but sometimes, you get one piece of advice that can change the course of your entire life or career. In this article, I share the five pieces of advice I've gotten over my eight-year career that helped shape me into the photographer I am today.

Trying to Start Your Photography Business? Do These Things First

You can have all the artistic and technical talent in the world, but if you are not a savvy business-person, you are not going to have a lot of luck making a living from photography. This excellent video features an experienced photographer discussing seven things you should do before you start your photography business.

Planning for Autumn Photos

Autumn has arrived here in the Northern Hemisphere, and with it comes the opportunity for vibrant, colorful photos of the changing leaves. It is often just a few weeks that we get with those brilliant colors, however, so it is important to do some scouting and planning to be ready when the times arrives. This great video will give you some helpful tips to be ready to take some excellent images of the fall leaves.

Petition Goes Viral: Do Not Replace Disney Photographers With Robots

The "Robot Revolution" is already underway, but it's meeting pockets of resistance, including one based in our photographic community. Fans of America’s most-visited theme park and photographers alike have recently banded together to save a small group of talented professionals from replacement by machinery.

Seamlessly Tape Down Multiple Wires at Once With This Gadget

A Seattle-based company has launched an invention that will help photo and video productions teams everywhere save huge amounts of time. Run the GaffGun G20NN0 Tape Applicator over a group of wires, and it can seamlessly tape them to the floor, revolutionizing how we stick loose wires down.

Do You Have a Photographic Nemesis Location?

Do you have a location where it seems no matter what you do, you just can't seem to take a good picture? This great video explores what happens when you have a nemesis location, why you should keep pursuing it, and what you can do to get past your difficulties.

Would You Support a System of Symbols That Disclosed Image Edits?

As post-processing applications become more and more powerful, it is becoming increasingly difficult to trust an image as a relatively honest representation of a scene. Would a set of universal icons that indicated the sort of post-processing that had been done to an image be something you would support? This interesting video takes a look at that possibility.

How Much RAM Do You Need for Lightroom?

Photographers can almost always use more RAM, particularly when they start working with larger and more complex files. How much do you really need for Lightroom, however? This interesting comparison video takes a look at operating times for the application when using 8 GB of RAM versus 32 GB of RAM to see how much more efficiently the program can run with some extra muscle with which to work.

Want to Shoot Fall Colors? Use These Guides to Pick the Perfect Time

The bright reds, oranges, and yellows of trees in autumn make for compelling subjects, but it can be tricky to plan travel around nature. If you want to give yourself the best odds for success, you need to plan ahead. Crowd-sourced foliage maps and reports can let you know when and where the color is at the peak.

Using Lightroom Classic's Secondary Display to Be More Productive

Whether I'm teaching someone Lightroom or only showing a friend my photos in Lightroom for the first time, the one thing they usually comment about right away is my use of Lightroom's Secondary Display feature. It's a great feature that really makes me more productive.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (September 2019): Barbara MacFerrin

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2019, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

New to Astrophotography? Here Is What You Need to Know

Astrophotography is a very unique and tricky genre, but if you take the time to dive into it and learn how it is done, you can be rewarded with stunning images of the heavens. If you are interested in astrophotography, this great beginner's guide will answer a lot of questions to help you get you on your way to pointing your camera toward the night sky.

Why Taking the Photo Is the Least Important Step

What is the most important step in the photographic process? Is it sitting at the computer, post-processing your images into perfection? Or is it the act of taking the shot itself? This thought-provoking video investigates that question and posits that when it comes down to it, the act of taking the image is actually the least important of all.

Taking Pictures Using a Lens With a Smashed Middle Element

Think the dust inside your lens is bad? The owners of a vintage camera shop have been testing out what it’s like taking photos using a Kaleinar 100mm f/2.8 lens with a severely smashed middle element. So, how did it fare?

Three-Light Portrait Photography Techniques

Once you have mastered the basics of how artificial lighting works and what you can accomplish with it, it is time to move on to more complicated multi-light setups to better bring your creative ideas to fruition. This great video will show you the process of creating a three-light portrait from start to finish.

A Review of Sigma's 105mm f/1.4 Art Lens

Sigma's Art series of lenses has been a runaway hit, with the line continuing to expand to both new focal lengths and new mounts. One of the newest in the lineup is the 105mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art, and it has been lauded for being incredibly sharp even at its maximum aperture. Is it the right lens for you? This great video review will answer that question.

Adobe Previews Major Update to Content-Aware Fill Tool in Photoshop

Photoshop is an intricate application full of numerous features, and perhaps one of the most powerful of those is Content-Aware fill. Adobe just released a preview of an update to the tool, and it looks like it will make it more powerful and useful for photographers.

Hands On With The Phase One IQ4 150MP: Can You Shoot Long Exposures at 1/125s?

Like them or not, medium format cameras are the truth when it comes to image quality. The latest 150 megapixel juggernaut from Phase One is another example of what these systems are capable of, but there's far more to this back than just sheer resolution. Ever shot long exposures at 1/125s?

Around this time last year Phase One released the IQ4 line of digital backs. The IQ4 expanded on the IQ3 and introduced a new Infinity Platform (the UI and operating system in the backs), as well as two brand new sensors: the 151 megapixel full frame medium format IQ4 150MP and 150MP...

Four Reasons Why a Fast 35mm Prime Lens Should Be in Your Bag

I’ve always passed on 35mm prime lenses. On paper, they always seemed too close to what I could already capture with my phones or what’s duplicated in my 24-70mm professional zoom lenses. It turns out, I didn’t know what I was missing until I tried out the Tamron SP 35mm f/1.4 Di USD lens.

What's Your Deal Breaker When It Comes to Buying a New Camera?

You’ve done your research and looked at all the different options available and finally made a decision on which camera to buy. Then at the last minute you learn about something that’s an absolute deal breaker and you pull the plug. What is one thing that would stop you from buying a particular camera?

What I've Learnt From Peter Lindbergh

I’ve paged through his books at bookshops, and I know he’s done some of the Pirelli Calendar campaigns. But I've looked at his work again since his passing, and it gives insight on how he does it, and what type of person he was.

Does the Panasonic S1 Secretly Have Dual Native ISO Just Like the S1H?

Aside from 6K/24p, one of the most exciting selling points of the S1H that Panasonic launched back in May was its dual native ISO, a feature that allowed users to switch between ISO 640 and 4000 without changing the levels of noise. Strangely, it seems that this feature might also have quietly been included in the much cheaper S1.

Five Editing Tools Every Photographer Should Know

Modern editing applications offer a veritable plethora of tools to both evaluate the information in your photos and to edit them to whatever creative vision you have in mind. This excellent video will show you five fundamental tools that every photographer should know how to use to edit their photos efficiently and effectively.

What Is Flash Sync Speed and Why Does It Matter to Your Photography?

If you are new to artificial lighting, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to understand how all the technical terms and processes come together to create a successful photo. One of the most important concepts is flash sync speed, and this excellent video will show you why it matters and how to work with it.

What's Hindering Your Photography?

It’s not an uncommon thing to see photographers being stuck in an endless loop of un-productivity. If you look at photography a little more seriously than as a hobby then you may have been looping in this cycle for so long as well.

Fstoppers Reviews: Masters of Photography: Albert Watson

The Masters of Photography courses are aimed at offering instruction from those who have mastered their genre, to those who are entering it. The Albert Watson course covers his whole career, working in portraiture and commercial advertising as well as shooting landscapes and personal projects. Here’s what I thought after giving it a go.

Canon Just Announced the EOS M200 and the Launch Video Is Fascinating

Canon has announced the launch of the EOS M200, a small camera featuring a 24-megapixel APS-C sensor, Dual Pixel autofocus and 4K video. Canon has also packed in a few features that make it more accessible to those without a deep knowledge of photography who are looking to produce and share content quickly on social media. What’s more interesting, however is the marketing video itself.

A Review of the AI Sky Replacement in Luminar 4

Replacing the sky in a landscape or outdoor portrait can be both a difficult and very tedious process. Skylum is preparing Luminar 4 for release this fall, and the marquee feature is its automated sky replacement that can allow photographers to quickly replace a sky in a convincing fashion. Is it the groundbreaking feature it has the potential to be? This great video review answers just that question.

The Importance of Returning to the Same Photography Locations

It can get exhausting, inefficient, and even expensive constantly trying to find new photo locations for your landscape work. But with a little bit of work and creativity, you can get numerous shots and looks from a single location. This great video discusses why it is important to keep returning to the same location and how it can improve your work.

Instagram Deleted Three Accounts From the Same Guy and Put His Dream Lifestyle on Hold

Instagram is the most popular platform for photographers to display their work and reach an audience. If you know how, you can even turn it into a business and make a living off it. Imagine now, you wake up and Instagram has deleted all your family photos, favorite memories, connections, friends, and portfolio work?

How to Stretch the Background of an Image Using Photoshop

When you shoot an image, a tight crop might make it difficult to make the photo work at different aspect ratios later on. This helpful tutorial will show you how you can stretch the background of an image to alleviate that exact problem.

Shooting Portraits at an Insane 900mm

There is really no convincing professional reason to shoot portraits at a focal length of 900mm, and I am not going to sit here and try to convince you that there is. But sometimes, we do things for fun, just because we can. And that's exactly what happened when this photographer team decided to shoot portraits at such a crazy focal length.