Trending Photography News and Reviews

My Tribute to Alyn Wallace

The photography world was stunned on March 29 as we heard the news that Alyn Wallace, a popular and incredible astrophotographer, has sadly passed away. In this article, I want to pay tribute to Alyn.

We Review the HP Sprocket 3x4: In a Class of Its Own

The title of this article makes it seem like I'm heaping some sort of superlative description upon what is, more or less, a typical Zink-based printer that doesn't require ink or cartridges. And when it comes to this, the $129 HP Sprocket 3x4 Instant Photo Printer, I am. Well, more or less.

How to Get Your Website to the Top of Google to Increase Your Income

Over the past two years, I invested much time learning search engine optimization techniques. Making tweaks to my website and creating a content strategy, this work finally began bearing fruit three months ago. I'll now share the SEO knowledge I gathered in a little article series. In this article, I focus on how to rank on Google Search.

Lessons From a New York Times Photographer

Capturing the essence of a city during a momentous occasion presents a unique challenge for photographers. You need to go beyond the obvious celebratory visuals and find images that tell a deeper story, conveying the emotions and atmosphere of the event. This is especially true when documenting a significant historical milestone, like the 1,000-year anniversary of Hanoi, Vietnam.

How Sony Broke the Canon and Nikon Stalemate

Sony is rapidly rising as a leading camera manufacturer. This article explores how their innovative E mount system and bold approach to features have challenged the Canon and Nikon's duopoly in the photography industry.

2024's Best Laptops for Creative Professionals

Modern laptops reflect significant advancements in technology and design, catering to diverse user needs from hardcore gaming to seamless productivity. These innovations are crucial for photographers, videographers, and creative professionals who rely on powerful, versatile tools for their work.

We Review the Reflx Lab Light Meter

A long time ago, I picked up my first Leica, a beater of an M4 that had been collecting dust and mold at the bottom of an old leather camera bag in a retired photographer's closet. With it came a number of oddities: close-up adapters, table tripods, and the like. But perhaps most interestingly, it came with an old Leica MC light meter.

Is the New Fujifilm X100VI Really That Good?

The X100 series from Fujifilm has long been featured some of the most popular cameras in the industry, known for their quirky but capable design and features and unique user experience. The X100VI is here, and it brings with it a huge range of improvements and new features. This excellent video review takes a look at the new model and the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in practice.

We Review the Lume Cube XL Tube Light

Tube lights are all the rage. So, when a new one comes on the market, it better have some type of stand-out feature to differentiate it from the pack.

Choosing Between the Nikon Z9 and Z8 for Wildlife Photography

Choosing the right camera is crucial to capturing those once-in-a-lifetime shots in wildlife photography. For Nikon shooters, the Z8 and Z9 are excellent options, albeit with some notable differences. This helpful video review takes a look at both to help you choose the right one for your work.

How to Use the Depth of Field Scale on Manual Lenses

If you've ever owned a fixed focal length wide-angle lens, you've probably noticed the numbers located between the focus ring and the aperture ring. This is the depth of field scale, and it's a valuable tool that helps you check the depth of field for different apertures and focus distances.

Here Is How I Upgrade My Gear as a Professional Photographer

There are infinite ways of upgrading gear as a photographer. Moreover, camera companies market their next product as the next best thing in the industry. All this results in a lot of confusion, speculation, and simple ambiguity. If we could, we would all upgrade everything at once, but money is a limited resource that we need to allocate with a high degree of efficiency.

The Power of Photography to Cultivate Empathy and Create Shared Humanity

In an increasingly polarized world, one of photography’s most profound strengths is its ability to cultivate empathy and compassion across cultures. At its best, photography can transport us into unfamiliar environments, activities, and viewpoints. It reveals the humanity in people whose lives and backgrounds differ vastly from our own. Photography has a transcendent way of building understanding and sympathy by showing us new perspectives.

How Good Is the Dynamic Range of the Sony a9 III?

The unveiling of the Sony a9 III, with its groundbreaking global sensor, has certainly turned heads in the photography community, sparking discussions about its potential drawbacks in terms of dynamic range and ISO capabilities. This comprehensive video analysis offers a peek into what users can anticipate from this sensor.

A Review of the Affordable Yongnuo 35mm f/2Z DF DSM Lens

The Yongnuo 35mm f/2Z DF DSM, just like the company's well-known speedlights, is quite affordable, making it an intriguing option for a large range of users. This excellent video review takes a look at the lens and the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

5 Tips for Street Photography Composition

Street photography is one of the most revered genres of the craft, with a rich history and some of the most famous images ever taken. But, it's not an easy genre to master, so here are five tips for composing the frame.
A Review of the Pergear 14mm f/2.8 Mark II Lens

14mm f/2.8 lenses are useful for range of applications, particularly landscape and astrophotography. At less than $300, the Pergear 14mm f/2.8 Mark II is on the affordable end of the spectrum, making it an intriguing option. Can it keep up with more expensive lenses? This great video review takes a look at the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

How to Improve Your Photography

We all want to be better photographers, but the journey to that destination is often anything but straightforward. If you find yourself feeling a bit stuck and unsure of how to move forward, check out this helpful video tutorial that features an experienced photographer sharing some insightful and actionable advice that is sure to put you on the right track.

Every Single Light Modifier Compared: The Ultimate Guide

I notice many guides online for various light modifiers available. What I don’t see as much is a proper comparison of nearly every modifier available. Having sorted through my kit a few days ago, I realized I have numerous modifiers. In this article, we will compare modifiers so that next time you’re selecting one, you understand their functions.

How to Conquer Blurry Photos

Achieving tack-sharp focus is a fundamental skill every photographer strives for. Whether you're capturing portraits, landscapes, or fast-paced action, understanding the causes of blur and how to avoid them is crucial for creating impactful images.

My Favorite Headphones Ever: Bose QuietComfort (2023)

The all-new Bose QuietComfort Headphones really aren't that new at all. They are almost Identical to the QC35 headphones that came out in 2016. They are boring — perfectly boring — and that's why they are my favorite headphones ever.

The Art of Cropping to Enhance Your Photos

Effective cropping and composition are essential skills for every photographer, impacting the final outcome of their images significantly. Understanding how to use these tools can transform a decent photo into an exceptional one, focusing the viewer's attention on the most important elements of the scene.

A Superior Way You Can Compare Camera Lenses

When manufacturers give specifications of lenses, there is a lot of detail that is meaningless to many consumers of their products. When we writers review them, we tend to give the same information. Here’s a method I think would be much more helpful to most photographers.

The Walmart Photo Challenge

Today I bring you a hilarious photoshoot challenge called The Walmart Photo Shoot. Pye Jirsa and I battle head to head to see who can take the best looking images all while using $100 worth of clothing bought from Walmart. To make it even harder, none of the images can be Photoshopped either!

More News About the Canon EOS R1 and EOS R5 Mark II Mirrorless Cameras Emerges

There's interesting news about Canon's upcoming camera releases for 2024, particularly for those interested in what will be the company's two most important cameras in years, the EOS R1 and EOS R5 Mark II. According to their latest report, Canon is set to prioritize the launch of the Canon EOS R1, positioning it ahead of the EOS R5 Mark II in their release schedule.

Persistence Makes Great Landscape Photographers

Some people think great landscape photographers are just lucky, always at the right place at the right time. The reality is great landscape photographers are persistent. Making portfolio-worthy images often entails repeat visits to areas to find the ideal composition paired with stunning conditions.

A Comparison of the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 AF and Sigma 23mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lenses

Both the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 AF and Sigma 23mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary offer Fujifilm X Series users approximately 35mm full frame equivalent focal lengths in tandem with very wide maximum apertures, making them versatile options for a variety of applications. That being said, Fujifilm's new 40-megapixel sensor can be quite demanding. Can these lenses keep up? This excellent video comparison takes a look at the performance and image quality you can expect.

The Essential Guide to Lighting Patterns for Stunning Portraits

Understanding and mastering lighting patterns is a critical skill for any photographer focusing on portraiture. This great video breaks down five primary lighting patterns and their storytelling purposes, offering invaluable insights for photographers looking to elevate their portrait work.

Mastering Off-Camera Flash: Avoid These Common Mistakes

Learning to shoot with off-camera flash brings a whole new level of control and creativity to photography. But along with the endless possibilities comes ample room for slip-ups. This fantastic video tutorial outlines the five most common mistakes people make when first stepping into off-camera lighting, along with fixes to set you up for success.

The Difference Between Different Camera Shutters

It used to be so simple. The camera shutter opened and closed again. The time in between was the exposure time. With digital cameras and mirrorless systems, things became a bit more complicated. Let’s have a look at the different types of camera shutters.

Want to Become a Photoshop Rockstar in One Week for Free?

Have you fallen behind on keeping up with the tsunami of Photoshop updates and new capabilities? Or have you wanted to master this powerful tool, but you haven't been sure where to start? Well, put on your sweatpants, order in your favorite food, and thank your lucky stars, because next week, you can join Aaron Nace, Kristina Sherk, Ben Willmore and more live from your living room all week. And the best part? It's free. No, my editors did not miss this typo, it's true, and I'm here to tell you all about it.

The Difficult Decisions in Landscape Photography

Landscape photography can be a bit of a start and stop genre, with hours of waiting punctuated by fleeting moments of opportunity. That can lead to some difficult decisions about how to maximize your chances of coming home with worthwhile shots. This great video follows an experienced landscape photographer as he grapples with such decisions and discusses how he moves forward.

A Review of the Yongnuo YN 50mm f/1.8S DA DSM Lens

A good portrait lens with a wide aperture is often worth its weight in gold for many photographers, but unfortunately, many such lenses actually cost about their weight in gold as well. That makes the Yongnuo YN 50mm f/1.8S DA DSM, which offers a 75mm equivalent focal length and costs $129, a breath of fresh air. Can it keep up with more expensive options? This excellent video review takes a look at the sort of performance and image quality you can expect in usage.

A Review of the Impressive Sony FE 35mm f/1.4 GM Lens

35mm lenses with wide maximum apertures are highly popular, as they can adeptly handle a huge range of scenarios and creative needs, ranging from weddings to astrophotography and much more. For Sony users who want one of the best options out there, the FE 35mm f/1.4 GM promises spectacular performance and image quality. Can it live up to that in real-world usage? This great video review takes a look at what you can expect.

A Review of the Voigtlander Nokton 35mm f/0.9 Lens

Generally, any aperture wider than f/1.4 is considered particularly wide, which makes the Voigtlander Nokton 35mm f/0.9 for Fujifilm X Series cameras a particularly noteworthy offering. With a maximum aperture over a stop wider than f/1.4, bokeh fanatics and anyone who needs a lot of light-gathering power should be interested. This excellent video review takes a look at the lens and the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

Prism Lens FX Filter Face-off: Lucid Dream FX Versus Moody FX Filters

I’ve been seeing Prism Lens FX filters everywhere and have been curious about what they're actually like to shoot with. There are so many interesting filters available that it’s hard to know which ones are worth the investment. So, here’s a comparison of the Lucid Dream FX Filter and the Moody FX Filter.

Essential Lightroom Masking Techniques for Landscape Photographers

Lightroom masking tools offer quite a lot of control and precision when editing photos. This helpful video tutorial offers 15 masking tips and tricks specifically tailored for landscape photographers, with techniques that refine skies, add ethereal fog, create custom vignetting, and dodge and burn, all while maintaining a natural aesthetic.

Why Using the Golden Ratio in Your Photos Might Not Be a Good Idea After All

A while ago, someone commented on an article that composition is meaningless and people drawing wiggly lines on a photo were pulling the wool over people’s eyes. Initially, I dismissed that as being a naïve comment. Then, I did a little research and found something surprising.