Quentin Decaillet Photography Tutorials

About Quentin Decaillet

Quentin Decaillet is a beauty and wedding photographer based in Switzerland. He is an ambassador of Capture One.

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How to Adjust Specific Colors in Photoshop

Changing a single particular color is easily done in Capture One, but it can prove to be a little bit more complicated in Photoshop. None of the tools found in Adobe's image editing software target colors such as orange, violet, azure, or other tertiary colors. However, there is a very simple trick to make it happen. I'm not talking about curves here, but an approach that will be extremely easy to understand, even for beginners.

Joe McNally's Experience on How To Be A World-Class Creative Pro

Joe McNally is one of those photographers that almost everyone in our industry knows. Perhaps you’ve seen his name in a Nat Geo, Life Magazine, or Sports Illustrated, or you’ve learned from his educational content, or maybe you simply have discovered him through his role as Nikon Ambassador. McNally is really everywhere. He’s one of those versatile photographers who can do everything from commercial to journalistic work! He’s the proof that specialization is great but not always required to be successful. Recently, he sat down with Chase Jarvis and shared his experience as a professional photographer.

Overview of Capture One Pro 10.1 New Features

A little over a week ago, Phase One introduced Capture One Pro 10.1. The new release of the professional imaging software comes with a couple of exciting new features making life easier for many photographers, especially those using Fuji cameras. In this 45-minute long webinar, David Grover goes over most new aspects of the app and shows how to take advantage of them.

'How to Create Portraiture That is a Work of Art' with Lindsay Adler

Lindsay Adler is best known for creative fashion and beauty work, but aside from her stunning and unique photography, she’s a great speaker and educator. She recently gave a two-hour master class at B&H on how to create a portrait that is a work of art. Listen to her and learn how to elevate your imagery and improve your workflow from pre- to post-production if you wish to build a portfolio that stands out.

Brilliant Photographer Photoshops His Son and Himself Driving an Aston Martin in Iceland

Commercial Conceptual Photographer and Digital Artist Adrian Sommeling is one of the names that every retoucher and creative photographer should know. He has one of the most incredible portfolios out there with work that you simply can only wonder how the heck it was done. Well, to learn more about how he creates his stunning digital art, he’s started to push out short videos with explanations on every step. In this article, discover how he shot his son, himself, and an Aston Martin before compositing them onto an Iceland landscape.

All-In-One Alternative to Photoshop and Lightroom: ACDSee Releases Photo Studio Ultimate 2018

Since Adobe adopted a subscription-based licensing system, many users have started looking at other alternatives. While ACDSee had attractive solutions until now, their latest creation, ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2018, seems to be a serious contender to Photoshop CC and Lightroom. Even better yet, you can process your raw files and then edit them within the very same software, no need for round trips.

Add a Prism Rainbow Light Using Photoshop

Adding a rainbow to your images can be done in many different ways. However, not every technique is easily put into practice or can offer a remarkably consistent result. For example, the prism method is very efficient to get the effect on your files straight out of camera, but it can make focusing and composition a bit difficult. In this tutorial, Jessica Kobeissi will show you a couple of simple techniques using only Photoshop.

Six Ways to Make Money on YouTube

Even though Instagram seems to be the more interesting platform for photographers, YouTube is not one to forget. It offers a ton of possibilities to showcase our work and even make money out of it. If part of your business is education, Google’s video service should definitely be part of your marketing and business plan. Matti from TravelFeels gives us a few tips on how to turn it from a hobby to a money making platform.

How to Create an Artistic Typography Portrait in Photoshop

Makeup is one way to create a superb artistic portrait, but it’s not the only method. You could rely on post-production as well to make something different than everyone else does. In this 15-minute long tutorial, Nate from Tutvid shows you how to inlay someone’s face with text.

Fstoppers Reviews the Elinchrom ELC Pro HD Compact Strobe

Elinchrom has been the brand of choice for years many Europeans and Australians photographers alike. They are cheaper than Profoto or Broncolor, offer a good range of modifiers and – unlike Paul C. Buff – have service centers outside of the USA. To many photographers they also have been a great way to get into studio photography before moving up to Broncolor or Profoto. With the Elinchrom ELC Pro HD, it seems like the brand wants to change that and offer a higher-end light.

The ELC Pro HD were developed by Elinchrom to:

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How to Use a Negative of an Image to Improve Your Retouching

Great retouching is all about small details. They often make the difference between a well-retouched image and a world-class retouched image. However, seeing some of the details can be tricky. Especially when you are on the go and retouching on a laptop screen that doesn't offer the precision of a well-calibrated screen with a large color gamut. A couple of months ago I showed you a trick to see more details than what your eyes might see on an image by using a solar curve. In today's article, I am going to show you another technique that I often use to clean up small details. It is so easy you might end up wondering why you did not think of it before.