Trending Photography News and Reviews

The Art of Landscape Photography From Start To Finish

Are you wondering what makes some landscape photographers' photos stand out more than others? It all begins with how you make the photograph in the field, but it doesn't stop there. Understanding the editing process helps carry the vision through to the final photograph.

A Review of the Affordable Viltrox AF 20mm f/2.8 Lens

Viltrox has quickly grown into a respected manufacturer of lenses that offer good results at extremely competitive prices, and at $158, the AF 20mm f/2.8 is no exception to that trend. With a small footprint and a versatile focal length, can this lens deliver professional-level results despite its rock-bottom price? This excellent video review takes a look at the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.

The Fujifilm X100VI: Is It Worth Hype?**

The Fujifilm X100 series has garnered a cult following, and the X100VI is the latest iteration to capture the hearts of photography enthusiasts. But is it all hype, or does this camera truly live up to its reputation?

Photoshop's Generative Fill: This Will Change Everything

The lead image doesn't exist. Well, it does now, but it is a sum of two photographic parts aided by Photoshop's new Generative Fill AI. The mountains in the background exist but not in their entirety. Stobb Coirre doesn't exactly look like this, as tiny parts are generated. My two dogs never pose for photographs.
The Sony a7R V: Top Image Quality in a World of Speed Demons 

Choosing a new camera can be a daunting task, especially with the rapid advancements in technology and the wide range of options available. For photographers who prioritize image quality and advanced features, the Sony a7R V has remained a popular choice since its release. But is it still worth considering in 2024, with newer models on the horizon?

The Biggest Tool Photographers Aren’t Using in Their Creative Work

Have you been taking the same images with slight variations over the last few years? Have you seen new technologies shake up the photography world, yet largely kept your distance from them? Today, the esteemed Kristina Sherk from Shark Pixel shares with us one such tool that can revamp the work you've been putting out. Following her tutorial written for us below, I decided to try it out myself. I encourage you to break out of your comfort zone, give it a try, and share your photos with us in the comments.

Focus Stacking for Stunning Macro Images

Macro photography opens up a world of detail often unseen by the naked eye, allowing you to explore the fascinating intricacies of small subjects. This is especially valuable for photographers seeking inspiration close to home, transforming everyday objects into captivating works of art.

A Guide to Effective Model Direction in Portrait Photography

Understanding the dynamic between photographer and model is pivotal in creating compelling portraits. This interaction goes beyond the technicalities of camera settings or lighting; it's about the exchange of creative energy and understanding between the two parties. It's a balance of communication and collaboration that can significantly elevate the outcome of a photo shoot.

Exposure or Exploitation? The Problem With Working for Free as a Photographer

Being asked to work for free can be a frustrating experience for photographers who have invested years of hard work and dedication to master their craft. In a time where equipment and running costs are so high, it has never been so important to politely decline requests to work for free.

The Power of Familiarity in Photography

In landscape photography, there is a powerful reason why it's important to have a go-to location, which cannot be overstated. While the attraction of venturing into new and potentially uncharted territory may be strong, there also exists meaningful value in revisiting familiar spots time and again. This article will delve deeper into the significance of returning to familiar locations and how it can enhance your photographic skills and artistic expression.

A Pro Photographer's Guide To Self-Publishing Photobooks

Self-publishing a photo book can be a daunting endeavor. In this video from The Photographic Eye, hear from photographers who have self-published with minimal upfront costs and even turned a profit.

The World's Most Advanced Thunderbolt Dock - iVanky VCD10

If you're looking for the largest Thunderbolt dock on the market with double the bandwidth of every other dock (80gbps), the iVanky VCD10 20-in-1 dock is probably your only option. It's expensive, but I'm happy to say, it actually works.
Street Photography With the New FUJIFILM GFX100 II

FUJIFILM medium format bodies have attracted quite the cult following and for good reason. Their latest flagship model in the GFX range is available for purchase, but how does it hold up in street photography?
Transform Your Photos with Lightroom's Split Toning

Lightroom has some advanced tools for realizing your creative vision, split toning being one of the most useful for landscape photographers. This fantastic video tutorial demonstrates how Lightroom's split toning tools can significantly enhance an image's visual appeal, offering a practical guide on adding depth and contrast to photos.

Create Captivating Portraits With an LED Light Wand

Over the past few years, LEDs have become a popular choice for still photographers, and with good reason. Although LED light sources do have limitations, there are many clear benefits to using constant light for portrait photographers. In this article, I will detail five ways I use an LED light wand to create captivating portraits, both in and out of my studio.

5 Pro Tips for Better Black and White Photography

One of the most appealing genres for photographers is black and white. Although we are long past the age of black and white being the only "real" medium of photography, there is still artistic appeal behind such images. In this article, I will share some of my favorite tips for better black and white images.

How Committing To a Routine Can Make You a Better Artist

When you are trying to build yourself into the artist you want to be, a little ordinary can help you do the extraordinary.

As I’m sitting down to write this, I’ve just had a quick peek over at the clock in the upper right-hand corner of my screen. It has just rounded 5:43 am, and I’ve already been at work long enough to have long forgotten about the sleep I wiped from my eyes when I rolled out of bed. To some, this might seem like an early time. Others might be wondering why I slept in so late. The exact time on the clock isn’t important. What is important is that this...

Mastering Skin Tones: Eliminating Redness in Photoshop 

In portrait photography, achieving even and natural-looking skin tones is crucial for creating flattering and impactful images. One common challenge photographers face is dealing with redness in the skin, which can be caused by various factors such as skin conditions, lighting, or even the subject's emotional state. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to remove it using Photoshop.

Lee Miller: From Model to Photographer

Lee Miller, an artist and pioneering photographer, left a mark on the world of photography and the broader art scene. Her creativity and a keen eye for capturing the essence of moments, have solidified her place as a trailblazer in the field.

His Last Photograph on the Last Day: Hugh F. McHugh

In the waning days of World War II, the German army unleashed a massive, surprise attack on the Allied forces in the Western Theater with the hope of extending the lifeline of their military forces. This attack created a bulging salient in the Allied lines along the Ardennes Forest in Belgium. This battle, forever known as The Battle of the Bulge, lasted from December 16, 1944, to January 25, 1945, and is considered by historians as one of the largest land battles the United States ever engaged in. In the chaos of all this, US Army Signal Corps photographer, Hugh Francis McHugh, would be there to document the battle. Sadly, it was here on the snow-filled fields, on the last day of the battle, where McHugh would capture his last photograph.

Exposing for the Ambient Light and Then Adding a Flash

Using flashes with ambient light can be tricky, whether you're fighting with the midday sun or you're trying to balance ambient light. In this behind-the-scenes video, you get a breakdown of how one photographer exposes for the ambient light and then layers in a strobe.
Foreground Photography: Adding Context and Storytelling to Your Images

Foreground elements in photography do more than just fill space. When used with intent, they can introduce context, enhance storytelling, provide frames that guide the viewer's attention, create balance, and elevate the visual appeal of the images. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, understanding how to effectively use foregrounds can enhance your photography. In this guide to foreground photography, we'll explain the effect of foregrounds and provide you with tips and inspiration for using them effectively in your portrait photography.

Developing Your Personal Photography Style

Developing a photographic style is a complicated topic. While having a distinct visual style used to be more important for professional photographers, many hobbyist photographers now also strive to find their aesthetic niche. This great video discusses why this desire for a personal style is so prevalent, then dives into tips and perspective on how to actually formulate your own style over time.

How Todd Hido Creates His Landscape Photographs

I recently was introduced to photographer Todd Hido in Jason Momoa’s docuseries on HBO. Momoa has a real affinity for Todd. I wish I had a fan like that; if you watch the show, you will see what I mean.
Is Stock Photography Worth It in 2023?

One of the biggest questions for many is how to make money from photography. There are many ways of doing it, such as photographing weddings, pets, portraits, or even products, but there are also ways to make money, such as stock photography. In this article, I discuss my experiences of using stock photography websites.

The Difference Between Different Camera Shutters

It used to be so simple. The camera shutter opened and closed again. The time in between was the exposure time. With digital cameras and mirrorless systems, things became a bit more complicated. Let’s have a look at the different types of camera shutters.

We Review the Lume Cube XL Tube Light

Tube lights are all the rage. So, when a new one comes on the market, it better have some type of stand-out feature to differentiate it from the pack.

Capturing Wellness: Photography and Mental Health

In today's fast-paced and digitized world, finding solace and maintaining good mental health has become crucial. There are many ways one can find an escape from it all, and one of those is the powerful ally of photography. Beyond being a mere hobby or artistic expression, photography can have numerous benefits for mental well-being. Engaging with photography can have a positive impact on a person's state of mind, providing them with a creative outlet, promoting mindfulness, fostering self-expression, and connecting them with their surroundings.

DJI Mini 4 Pro: Finally, The Best Beginner Drone?

It is another day, and we have another drone release from DJI. This time, it is the DJI Mini 4 Pro, and this could possibly be the best beginner drone available to you. In this video from Kai W, he runs the new drone through its paces.

Easy Tips to Keep Your Camera Gear Clean

I'm a bit of a neat freak when it comes to my gear. Anyone who has bought any of my used gear has usually told me it looks like new, save for maybe by the tripod mount, which I usually attach a plate to while I'm camped out by lighthouses.

AI-Generated Videos Just Changed Forever

It doesn't feel like long ago that we were blown away by the results of AI-generated photography, because it was only last year. Video seemed like it was quite far off, and yet, here we are with what I'd call "terrifyingly good," out of nowhere.
How To Get the Most Out of Lightroom's and Photoshop's Masking Capabilities

Lightroom and Photoshop have taken some massive steps forward with regards to their masking capabilities in the last few iterations, and if you have not taken the time to dive into all the new features yet, you are definitely missing out. This fantastic video tutorial takes a look at some of the best new capabilities and offers a range of tips to help you get the most out of them, making your workflow both easier and more efficient.

Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch 360 – Small Size, Surprisingly Good Results

The world of image-making is evolving daily. One such development is the introduction of one-inch sensors to smaller cameras and mobile phones. One of the problems with smaller cameras in the past was that the sensor was too small to capture appropriate detail. Insta360 has recently come out with the one-inch edition of its popular 360 camera, which sets a new standard for photographers and filmmakers worldwide.

What Is a Briese and Why Do Pro Photographers Love It So Much?

Probably, most of us have at some point encountered a behind-the-scenes photo where there is a parabolic reflector with the name Briese written on the side in yellow letters. Yet, very few photographers have actually worked with it or know what makes it so special. Recently, I got a chance to try out Briese reflectors and generators in Hamburg. Read on to find out why I fell in love from the first sight.

Lightweight Photography: Maximizing Mobility Without Sacrificing Quality

The process of streamlining one's photography equipment for a day out in the field is a crucial consideration for anyone who value mobility and the freedom to capture images without the burden of heavy gear. This approach not only enhances physical comfort during long treks but also allows you to focus more on the creative aspect of capturing stunning images.

Simplifying the Scene in Landscape Photography

Composition in landscape photography is an essential aspect of the craft. Many rules talk about leading lines, the rule of thirds, visual weight, and more. These rules are good guidelines, but the art of simplification is at the root of good compositions.

Tips to 'Shoot From the Hip' With Street Photography

When I was a young photo student studying in college, my professor gave us a scavenger hunt for photography of sorts. One of the categories was "shoot from the hip." I thought it was strange, but in hindsight, it was prescient advice.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Levitating Photos

The ability to make objects appear as if they are defying gravity is a captivating skill that can help you capture attention. This technique, often employed in product and still life photography, adds a touch of magic and intrigue to your images, leaving viewers wondering how you achieved such a feat.

6 Harsh Truths About Photography

Photography can be a tremendously rewarding hobby or profession, but it is important that you have a realistic understanding of what it is like to be a photographer and what it takes to find success. This important video essay features an experienced photographer discussing six harsh truths that every person should be aware of.

Will We See Another Major Canon Camera This Year?

Most gear enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Canon EOS R1 and EOS R5 Mark II, and while those will certainly be some of the most important cameras to come along in a while, Canon might have another crucial camera waiting in the wings.

The Power of Classic Digital Cameras

Diving into the archives reveals a compelling truth: older digital cameras, often dismissed in the race for megapixels and modern features, hold a lot of value for today's photographers. Here's why you shouldn't overlook them.

Landscape Photography in the Middle of the Day

Most of the time, when you think of landscape photography, you probably think of golden hour, with soft and warm light spilling across the scene. And while that can make for fantastic images, if you restrict yourself to just a few hours a day, you are missing out on quite a few opportunities. This great video tutorial shows you the benefits of landscape photography in the middle of the day.