Trending Photography News and Reviews

You Can Learn Photography Without a Camera

While a camera may be indispensable for producing photographs, there are manifold ways to learn the art of photography without one. Besides technical proficiency, great photographers like Dorothea Lange relied on less tangible traits like emotional intelligence and inspiration, and we can learn from them.

picdrop – Photo Gallery Software You Should Try

One of the most common things clients can ask for from photographers is providing photo galleries. This allows you to not only deliver a better customer experience but also to boost sales. Let’s see how picdrop can help you create the best galleries for your clients.

The New M3 MacBook Pro: One Photographer's View After 3 Days

The 2023 MacBook Pro is the latest evolution of Apple's iconic pro laptop lineup. The 2023 redesign brings some major changes, including the new M3 family of Apple silicon chips, a refined design now available in Space Black, and an upgraded display, camera, and connectivity. In this review, we take a deep dive into the latest model and its powerful features.

Portrait Photography Insights from a Pro

Taking stunning portraits goes beyond technical skills; it's about understanding human connection and capturing the essence of your subject. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just starting, refining your portrait skills is crucial for creating impactful images.

This Ultra-Cheap f/0.95 Lens Is a Surprise Dream

Wide-aperture 50mm lenses are some of the most popular out there, with their versatility making them at home in a huge range of genres and applications. For APS-C shooters, the Brightin Star 35mm f/0.95 offers that classic combination at an extremely affordable price, and it surprises with some impressive results. This great video review takes a look at the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in practice.

How Does the Sony a6700 Compare to the a7 IV?

The Sony a7 IV is widely regarded as one of the best hybrid cameras out there, but with the a6700 now here, Sony users have two excellent options for their work. Despite the a7 IV having a full frame sensor, the a6700 has some better features and is also $1,000 cheaper. So, which is right for you? This fantastic video comparison takes a look at both to help you decide.

SEO for Photographers: 7 Tips to Boost Your Website

Here's the thing, they don't really teach SEO in school, do they? You can read about SEO until you're blue in the face, but the real learning? That happens when you're actually in the trenches, optimizing websites, figuring out what clicks and what flops.

7 New Adobe Photoshop Features Explained

Adobe Photoshop has been moving quickly in recent months, rolling out some of the most impactful features the software has ever seen. In this video, learn about each new feature, what they do, and how to use them properly.
Post-Processing Techniques for Stunning Landscape Photos

The ability to transform a raw image into a final piece is a crucial skill for any landscape photographer. If you're new to editing your images and need a little guidance, check out this fantastic video tutorial.

Sony a9 III Global Shutter Versus High-Speed Sync

Have you heard the buzz? Sony just unveiled the Sony a9 III, boasting the groundbreaking feature of being the first full frame camera equipped with a global shutter. This technological leap has sent shockwaves through the photography industry, but it's also sparked a flurry of questions, particularly regarding its compatibility with flash and whether it outperforms high-speed sync. But before we delve into that, let's demystify what a global shutter is and how it revolutionizes flash photography.

Solving Common Wedding Photo Editing Issues in Lightroom

On a wedding day, you will face a variety of challenges that are beyond your control. From lighting issues to rushed timelines, these difficulties can create editing nightmares. This helpful video will show you how to fix five common issues in Lightroom.

Astro Panel X Pro's Latest Version Should Please Astro and Landscape Photographers

I've taken a look at some earlier iterations of Astro Panel over the years, a plug-in designed for automating and enhancing both astrophotography and landscape photos. I found it a powerful addition to my editing arsenal, and it was easy to use but could do some very sophisticated editing. This new version from photographer Angelo Perrone adds more than 80 new astrophotography and landscape functions, as well as some features to support portrait editing.

My Perfect Carry-Around Camera in 2023

Throughout my pursuit in the photography journey for more than a decade, my focus has always been on the hunt for the most suitable full frame camera to use for work and personal use. Regardless of the brand, the “perfect” camera has to at least fulfill these three criteria: wide range of lens adaptability and availability, high megapixel count, and within my acceptable budget.

How Good Is the Canon RF 28-70mm f/2L USM Lens?

The Canon RF 28-70mm f/2L USM is one of the craziest lenses to come along in quite some time, offering an unheard-of zoom range and aperture combination for a full frame lens, making it a unique option for photographers. Nonetheless, it is neither cheap nor small. Is it worth the price and size? This excellent video review takes a look at if its performance and image quality can stand up to two demanding sensors.

DIY Color Backdrop Product Photography

It seems that the genre of product photography is booming right now. I come across hiring ads for product and e-commerce photographers all the time. With e-commerce being such a big market, or at least where I live, there is a lot of need for product photographers. I learned the basics of photographing products many years ago, and it has come in handy several times.

Is This the Worst Camera Ever Made? Fstoppers Reviews the Kenko Tokina DSC Toy Camera Pieni II

If you follow my TikTok or my YouTube shorts, you’ll know I have a thing for toy cameras. Over the years, I’ve picked up quite a few cool and quirky film cameras that I love to shoot with. When I saw earlier this year that Kenko had released a tiny toy digital camera, I had to try it. Before using it, I wondered if it could create unique images. After seeing the results, I'm left wondering: is this the worst camera ever made?

Macro Gone Mobile: We Review SANDMARC Macro 100mm for iPhone

If you've wanted to try macro photography but didn't want to outlay on all the special equipment necessary, you're in luck. If you're an iPhone user, SANDMARC has a 100mm Macro lens you can screw onto your phone, and I put it through its paces.

Don’t Waste Your Time Posting on Social Media, Do This Instead

A few months ago, I wrote an article about how to get your website to the top of Google. I talked about the importance of search engine optimization, content strategies, keyword research, and search intent. If you put your SEO foundation in place following that article, you are ready to create content that will rank on Google.

How Useful Are Wireless Connections Between a Camera and a Smartphone?

Almost every modern camera comes equipped with some form of wireless connectivity. Manufacturers are even making them a prominent selling point. But just how valuable is this feature in reality? In this article, I want to dive into the possibilities and their value.

Should You Buy the Sony a9 III or a1?

The Sony a1 and a9 III are two of the most impressive cameras ever made, and it can be tough to know which one is right for you. This fantastic video dives deep into both to help you choose the right camera for your work.

Five Essential Tips for Protecting Your Camera in the Rain

Embracing inclement weather, such as rain, can help add interest to your landscape photographs. Rain can add richness to colors, atmospheric mist, or even dark, moody clouds for grand scenes. But how do you protect your camera gear in these conditions? Here are five tips to help keep your camera safe.

Do You Really Need a 4K Monitor?

Should you get a high-resolution 4K monitor or will a lower-resolution display be sufficient? There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as it depends on several factors like your vision, editing needs, and display size. However, this helpful video will help you decide.

BenQ ScreenBar Halo: The Best Upgrade You Can Make Under $180

I didn't think it would be as useful as it ended up being. And I was quite wrong about how much I would use it. Turns out, I use it all the time, and it's one of the best things you can get for your desktop setup. In this article, we will review the BenQ ScreenBar Halo.

How To Expose Your Images Like a Pro

There is nothing quite as misleading in the photography internet as exposure guides, triangles, life hacks, and all that noise of information. There isn’t a topic that is as widely discussed as exposure. In this article, I will describe my method of exposing images, which has not yet failed me.

A Complete Guide to Mastering Lightroom Masking (Part 1)

There are a lot of great tools available for editing, and my favorite techniques tend to have large impacts for little effort. Lightroom's masking tool does this better than anything else I've ever used. This guide will teach you everything you could possibly want to know about Lightroom masking regardless of your skill level.

Adobe Adds Structure Reference to Firefly Generative AI

Adobe has unveiled a new feature inside its Adobe Firefly portal that gives users more control over the final look of images and art created using Generative AI. The feature is called Structure Reference and offers users control over an aspect of their output that has been unavailable previously.

The Art of Composition in Landscape Photography

Composition is not just about aligning elements pleasingly; it’s about conveying the narrative and emotion of the scene. This subtle yet powerful aspect of photography is often overlooked, making it a vital area for photographers to explore and master.

News and Analysis: The OM-1 Mark II and Two New Lenses Are Announced

OM Digital Solutions has announced an upgrade to their popular OM-1. The Mark II version has the same sensor and processor, but the development has concentrated on a much larger memory and buffer, improved dials, and a range of new features that will appeal especially to wildlife and landscape photographers.

Is the MacBook Air M3 the Best Laptop for Photographers?

Selecting the ideal laptop for photography isn't just about choosing a portable computer; it's about finding a versatile tool that enhances your artistic and processing capabilities without becoming a financial burden. This excellent video review takes a look at the MacBook Air M3 for photographers.

Minimalist Portraits on a Budget

Getting the right look for a portrait often depends on more than just the subject. Backgrounds are essential, and minimalist backgrounds can be a great way to create striking images that emphasize the subject.

Is There Any Film Left in Japan?

From time to time you see images circulating on social media of Japanese camera store shelves awash with film. I’m not talking about half a dozen pro packs of Portra, I’m talking about hundreds and hundreds of rolls of film. More film than you could shoot in 10 years. Names of long-forgotten emulsions that many die-hard film shooters can’t even recall.

How to Use the Modern Frequency Separation Method in Photoshop

For those who have been editing portraits in Adobe Photoshop for a while, frequency separation is likely something you'll be aware of. If you haven't, it is a technique used for skin retouching. The most modern way of performing this technique is better and easier than ever.
The Softest Light You Can Get: An Easy Guide

There are numerous applications for soft light, from portraiture to product photography, from macro to fashion. Soft light stands as one of the cornerstones of photographic expertise.

How Evgen Bavčar Creates Art Without Sight

Evgen Bavčar, a conceptual artist, has been crafting his unique photography for decades despite losing his sight at the age of 11. His work challenges conventional notions of visual art and highlights the power of imagination and memory.

Why Is This Newly Released Zoom With a Gargantuan Reach Causing a Stir?

Sometimes I am sent lenses to test, and I can’t wait to send them back. Others stay attached to my camera for as long as possible before they are returned. What I chose to do with this 150-600mm lens took me by utter surprise, and there is good reason why it is making a mark.

Macro Photography Adventures: Discovering Hidden Beauty in Nature 

Macro photography presents a unique challenge: finding compelling subjects in a world often overlooked. While dedicated macro photographers might cultivate specific environments for tiny creatures or invest in specialized equipment, the reality is that macro opportunities exist everywhere, from your backyard to local parks. The key lies in training your eye to see the miniature landscapes and intricate details that most people miss.

Streamlining Your Photo Editing Workflow With the TourBox Light

As a photographer, efficiency in post-processing is crucial to your workflow. Spending less time editing means more time shooting, marketing your business, or simply enjoying your life outside of photography. Thankfully, tools like the TourBox Light can significantly expedite your editing process, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of your work.

A Review of the Fujifilm XF 90mm f/2 R LM WR Lens

The Fujifilm XF 90mm f/2 R LM WR gives users a nice long telephoto focal length in combination with a wide aperture, which makes it an appealing option for a range of users, particularly portrait and wedding photographers. This fantastic video review takes a look at the lens and the sort of performance and image quality you can expect from it in usage.