Alexander Meier's picture

Hell and High Water

Finally I made it to the Dolomites this year. I can’t believe it took me almost 6 years hiking in the mountains again. I remember as if it has been yesterday when I was hiking for the very first time. Back in 2012 I was hiking along the Grande Randonnée 20 in corsica with my friends. This trip was kind of a key experience. From then I knew landscape photography is what my heart is beating for.

Overwhelmed by the beauty of the Dolomites I couldn’t stop thinking of photographing the Three Peaks (Tre Cime) in South Tirol, all the greater was my disappointment when the locals told me it´s impossible to visit the peaks because of the harsh weather at this time. Because of the non-season in may the routes were still covered with a lot of snow and were impassible. All the anticipation turned into frustration.

My girlfriend and me asked for alternatives at the information center in Sexten a little town in the east part of South Tirol. A women recommended a view point at the Dürrensee in the near of Toblach. When we arrived there we already saw a bunch of people doing selfies with Tre Cime in the background. Unfortunately the view was quite unspectacular. At least I was able to see the Tre Cime with my own eyes.

To my surprise we recognized a sign of a hiking trail with the words: „Tre Cime – 3.10 h“. We tried our luck. We wanted to see the three peaks so bad. But our goal was a simple one – to hike as far as we can get because we had no idea what weather conditions and risks might facing us. And than after a 3 hour exhausting hike we actually arrived at the Tre Cime. To be honest we didn’t expect to reach the peaks at all.

An incredible view revealed itself to us. I can’t describe in words how excited and happy I was standing in front of this massiv 200 mio. years old rock formation. This spontanious hike into the more or less unknown was definitely worth it. And a decent image of the Tre Cime with its stunning landscape around was the reward. Actually I wanted to shoot through the golden hour but we had to keep in mind a 3 hour hike back to the valley. At this time we had no idea we would need only about 1 1/2 hour to our car.

Long story short after a little frustrating start now I can say this vacation turned into one of the best trips I did so far. I was able to take a lot of beautiful images and made great experiences. I can’t expect to come back someday to this breathtaking place. But next time in the summer season.

Canon 6D
17mm · f/8.0 · 1/1250s · ISO 100
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