Justin Grimm's picture

Stoke the Flames

Here is a shot from a couple weekends ago, taken at Pyramid Lake just outside of Jasper with a hiking buddy. Our plans to shoot Athabasca Falls fell through after seeing how high and hazy the water was running, so we made the decision to shoot this easily accessible lake instead. With waders in hand, and plenty of time before sunset, we made out way on the well traveled path to this location. For the most part, this lake is tough to shoot because it lacks dynamic compositions to work with, except this small outlet which we had scouted last summer.As usual, clouds rolled in last minute and made it seem like the sunset would be a bust. We got lucky and the only clouds in the entire sky that lit up were exactly where we needed them. A successful relaxing photo shoot!.....minus the mother Grizzly and her 2 cubs we had to scare off the only path on the way back to the car. It was both of our first encounters with bears while shooting, and hopefully not a regular occurrence in the future.

14mm · f/16 · 1/2s · ISO 160
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So Great!

Great preparation and lucky with light/clouds. Nothing beats that!

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