How to Stretch the Background of an Image Using Photoshop

When you shoot an image, a tight crop might make it difficult to make the photo work at different aspect ratios later on. This helpful tutorial will show you how you can stretch the background of an image to alleviate that exact problem.

Shooting Portraits at an Insane 900mm

There is really no convincing professional reason to shoot portraits at a focal length of 900mm, and I am not going to sit here and try to convince you that there is. But sometimes, we do things for fun, just because we can. And that's exactly what happened when this photographer team decided to shoot portraits at such a crazy focal length.

Is Your Hometown Too Boring to Photograph? Think Again

As someone who spent more than 10 years living in London and now lives in a village of just 750 people, I can relate to those who struggle to find inspiration on their doorstep. In this motivating video from Evan Ranft, the photographer runs through some ideas of how to rediscover your hometown with your camera.

Fujifilm Did the Right Thing by Scrapping the 33mm F/1.0 Lens

I was at Photokina when Fujifilm first announced the 33mm f/1.0 and I honestly didn't care. A few people were excited about it but it seemed like such a pointless lens to me at the time especially because it was probably going to be ridiculously huge. I'm elated at the fact that Fujifilm is now scrapping this lens in favor of a much more practical 50mm f/1.0

Palette Gear Announces New Hardware, Rebranding as "Monogram"

Palette Gear has announced new modular hardware controllers while rebranding to become Monogram. Cited as 40% slimmer compared to the original Palette, Monogram's new and re-engineered modules offer compact yet versatile control and backward compatibility with first-generation modules using the new Monogram core hub.

OCLU Action Cam: Delete Unwanted Footage on the Fly

Brand new to the industry, Arizona-based OCLU has launched its first action cam offering a rather unique feature that allows you to delete unwanted clips in-camera, allowing users to avoid filling up memory cards with unnecessary footage.

One of the Most Useful but Rarely Used Features of Lightroom

Lightroom is an intricate program full of numerous features — sometimes so many that it can be easy to miss out on a particularly useful tool that can make your editing life both easier and more efficient. This excellent video will show you one of those tools.

A Review of the Canon RF 85mm f/1.2L USM Mirrorless Lens

Canon has come out of the gate firing on all cylinders when it comes to lenses for their mirrorless RF mount. One of the most interesting lenses in that lineup is undoubtedly the RF 85mm f/1.2L USM, the mirrorless version of one of the most popular portrait lenses of all time, the EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM. How does the mirrorless version compare to its DSLR predecessor? This helpful review will show you.

How a Photoshop Noob Composited This Series of Action Photos

Having completed what proved to be one of the most challenging shoots of my career, I was then faced with the task of editing and compositing the images. Due to my inexperience, getting the results that I wanted using Photoshop proved to be a steep learning curve. Here’s how I went about it.

A to Z of Photography: Zeiss and Emile Zola

And so with some sadness, tinged with a sense of relief, we reach the final letter of the alphabet. And what better way to finish than with a vastly successful company that has virtually spanned the lifetime of photography, along with some photographic input from yet another novelist.

Beginner, Pro, or Photography Master? Find Out Where You Are

There are many people out there who call themselves photographers. Probably most of them are able to take decent images, a few are professionals, and hardly anyone is a master of the art. Where do you put yourself?

Do We Really Need an iPad With Three Cameras?

The term “leaks” seems to be fairly inadequate when it comes to rumors about smartphones and tablets during the month of September, but it certainly gives the tech world a huge amount to write about. One that stood out from last week’s launch event is the prospect of an iPad Pro that features a triple camera.

Why Are Some Cameras Rubbish at Taking Photos of Rainbows?

Camera sensors are incredibly complex pieces of engineering prowess, bringing together mankind’s attempt to replicate the behavior of the human eye in perceiving light, but there are still many limitations. Cameras are rarely good at capturing decent photographs of rainbows, but some cameras are significantly worse than others, thanks to a strange quirk of science.

The Complete Capture One Editing Guide With Quentin Decaillet

Learning any new photography software can be challenging and time consuming. Even when we learn enough to do basic image edits, we often overlook tools that would speed up our process or give us better results. That's why we teamed up with Quentin Decaillet to produce The Complete Capture One Editing Guide.

Taking Your Photography to the Next Level

I recall reading an interview years ago in which Steve McCurry — a master at assembling powerfully wrought imagery — claimed not to think about composition. I was dumbfounded, even more so when I realized he was telling the truth.

This Videographer Used LEDs in Times Square, and the Results Are Stunning

Shooting out on location in a busy environment like New York City can be extremely difficult. When dealing with police, public safety, traffic, and pedestrians, it can often be near impossible to create the look you want without sacrificing your lighting. The way videographer David Geffin tackled these issues in his latest project, "Let's Dance," is pretty brilliant.

Seven Difficult Parts About Photography and How to Conquer Them

The thing that I have always enjoyed about photography is that it blends both artistic and technical challenges, forcing one to think on multiple levels to create successful images. This great video discusses seven of the most difficult parts of photography and what you can do to get past them.

How Much Does Dynamic Range Matter?

Dynamic range is sort of like the new megapixels in 2019: it is the camera spec that a lot of photographers use as a benchmark to compare different bodies. But how much does it really matter when it comes down to it? This great video examines the concept and if it is something you should obsess about.

The Best Location Photography App You Will Ever Use

Do you like to plan your location shots? Will you be visiting a location and want to know where the sun is going to be at a particular time of the day? Will the building or mountain block the sun right before sunset? Well, if you're like me, you want to know these answers before you get to the location, and that's why you need this app.

The Canon EOS R: One Year Later, How Does It Compare?

It’s been just over a year since Canon finally stepped into the world of mirrorless full-frame cameras. In this short video, Jared Polin offers some interesting thoughts on what Canon has achieved, where it has fallen short, and what the future holds for the Japanese manufacturer.

Not Everyone Looks at Photos Like a Photographer

When you look at a photo, what are you looking at? Composition? Lighting? Color grading? With your knowledge and expertise, you look at certain things with more intent than others, but are you seeing the whole picture?

How to Deal With Reflective Items in Product Photography

Product photography is a tricky genre that takes a multitude of different techniques and problem-solving skills to be successful in. One of the most difficult situations to deal with is a product that has a lot of reflections. This great video tutorial will show you how to deal with reflections and take better product images.

A Review of the Tamron SP 35mm f/1.4 Di USD Lens

Tamron has been killing it with their lens releases in the last few years, undercutting the prices of first party manufacturers by significant amounts while still providing high optical quality and performance that have led to an increasing presence in the professional segment. This great review takes a look at the Tamron SP 35mm f/1.4 Di USD lens for Canon and Nikon DSLRs.

The Best Camera for Black and White Photography

For photographers who love working in black and white, there are certain cameras that are really suited for the task. This interesting comparison compares two dedicated Leica monochrome digital cameras to a Fuji camera using a black and white profile and a classic Leica film camera.

Would You Photograph a Funeral?

Wedding photography is obviously big business for lots of professional photographers, but over on Reddit, Shian Bang (u/shian243) talks about something a little different: his first experiences as a funeral photographer.

The Art of Photography, Climbing, and Risk Taking with Ted Hesser

It’s 2010, and a young Ted Hesser is in Nepal, rappelling into a cave from a mega-sketchy anchor: Two pieces of two-foot rebar hammered in the mud. He’s joined an expedition team, supported by National Geographic and The North Face, and it just so happens to be Cory Richards’ first-ever photo assignment for arguably the most well-known publication in the world.

Ricoh Is Developing a new Pentax Flagship APS-C DSLR

Ricoh has announced the development of a new flagship APS-C Pentax DSLR to be launched in 2020, with a preview of the camera being shown soon at the Pentax Meeting 100th Anniversary Special in Japan.

Fuji Scraps 33mm f/1.0 Lens, Announces Development of 50mm f/1.0 Lens

Fujifilm has been working on development of an extreme lens, a 33mm f/1.0, for its X-mount mirrorless cameras for a little while now. However, the company has announced that they have canceled development of the lens in favor of a new 50mm f/1 lens.

Tamron Is Releasing a Ton of Lenses for Sony Cameras Soon

Tamron has been absolutely killing it with their highly lauded lenses for Sony's full frame cameras, the 28-75mm f/2.8 Di III RXD and 17-28mm f/2.8 Di III RXD. It seems the company is showing no signs of stopping, with an announcement of four brand new lenses on its way in October.

Six Misconceptions About Pro Photographers

I am sure you have all seen the "secrets about photographers" videos doing the rounds recently. As a full-time photographer, I find this really hard to relate to. I have yet to find something which depicts my working life at all.

Profoto's C1 Line: Who Are They Targeting?

As you can likely tell from my recent posts, I’m a user and big fan of Profoto. I realize their products are expensive, but they work. In real life, they never let me down.

How I Shot It: Five Steps for a Foolproof Airbnb Shoot

In the share economy, more and more people are finding their side hustle in the form of renting out extra rooms or vacation homes through services like VRBO and Airbnb. Earlier this month, I did a quick and easy property shoot for one such hopeful side hustler. Using a minimal photo kit and about an hour of editing, I created a nice set of images, sure to help them get bookings. Here’s how I did it.