The One Tip That Has Made the Biggest Impact on My Photography

There are lots of ways to improve your photography. Getting your workflow in order, learning to light, but I think I have learned the one thing that has impacted my photography more than almost anything else. (Other than practice, of course).

Helpful Tips for Better Natural Light Portraits

Many photographers love to shoot natural light portraits for a variety of reasons, and with them come their own sets of challenges. This awesome video will give lots of tips to shoot better and more creative natural light portraits.

A Look at Sony's Premium RX100 VII Camera

The Sony RX 100 VII is the latest entry into the company's line of premium point and shoot cameras, and with it comes a plethora of features for photographers and videographers alike. This great video review takes a look at the video features of the camera to help you decide if you should consider adding it to your kit.

Struggling to Break into Professional Photography?

Being a professional photographer is becoming more and more of a sought-after career. If you are struggling to make the jump, here are some pointers that might help you out.

Think About the What and Why, Not the How

Whenever we see a photo we like, our first thoughts are often: "How did they take it? How did you get that lighting? How did you get that depth of field?" But more important questions are "what" and "why".

What Makes a Good Photograph? Five Quick Things to Evaluate!

I know, it’s a loaded question. Heck, it’s a loaded word, that one — good. According to whom? By what measure? Who do you think you are to criticize my work? I know. And, I agree. But I suspect there are still a few checks we can make to see if an image is headed in the right direction. Let’s look at five of them!

How to Create Multiple Lighting Setups With an RGB LED Light

As high quality RGB Led light panels become cheaper and more compact, more and more photographers and videographers are finding just how useful these little lights can be. In this video, I compare the new Falcon Eyes Pocketlite F7 light to my favorite RGB light panel as we explore a few unique lighting setups any photographer can create on the fly.

A Complete Flash Tutorial for Free

If you’re looking for a complete educational series on using flash photography from indoors to outdoors, there’s a brand new free tutorial that you need to check out!

Is the Panasonic S1 the Perfect Time-Lapse Camera?

If you were a time-lapse photographer about to buy yourself a shiny new camera, what would be your choice? Time-lapse aficionado Matthew Vandeputte was contacted by Panasonic asking him to try out the new S1, and to say that he’s impressed is something of an understatement.

Use Color to Dictate Your Style in Landscape Photography

Ansel Adams loved editing his images in the darkroom and often spoke about it. More importantly, he saw it as an important role in creating the final image that he had visualized when he took the shot.

Will the Google Pixel 4 Be the First Phone That Shoots Astrophotography?

Hype for Google’s new flagship phone has intensified in recent weeks with photographers excited about what new technology the tech giant will be squeezing into its latest model. To add to the fervor, a leaked promo video suggests that a dedicated astrophotography mode will be incorporated.

Do You Really Need a Graphics Tablet?

I put off buying a graphics tablet for years after taking up photography, before buckling the best part of a decade ago. But, do you really need a graphics tablet?

Cell Phone Images
Critique the Community

Cell Phone Images

Submit your best image taken with a cell phone for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.

The best camera is the one you have with you, or so the saying goes. However, just because it's easy now to grab a quick picture with your cell phone doesn't mean the shot is portfolio worthy. See how your best cell phone images match up to the rest of the community by submitting them below. 

This contest has ended.
Taking the Perspective of a Casual Photographer

We can't deny the fact that an overwhelming majority of the stories and articles we see online are about professional photographers and going all-out in shooting. So for a day while traveling, I thought I would step back, reflect, and shoot like how I did before I started taking photography way too seriously.

Instagram Bloggers Face 10 Years Imprisonment in Iran for Flying Drone Without Permission

A couple who quit their jobs to go travel blogging have had their dream trip descend into a nightmare, after being detained in an Iranian jail. They are now facing up to ten years in prison after they flew a drone in Tehran without the correct license, but claim to have been unaware of the country’s strict drone operating policies.

Legendary Photographer, Robert Frank, Dies at 94

When I discovered Robert Frank’s work it fundamentally altered my perception of what, and how much, photography could mean. Mr. Frank passed away Monday in Mabou, Nova Scotia at the age of 94.

Is Tamron About to Announce a 70-180mm f/2.8 Lens for Sony Full-Frame Cameras?

Rumors are circulating that Tamron is about to announce the launch of a lens that would complete its trio of fast zooms for Sony full-frame cameras with the 70-180mm f/2.8 lens. Will it be tiny, how much will it cost, and how will it stack up against Tamron’s two other amazing Sony f/2.8 zooms?

The L-Bracket; A Piece of Metal That Will Always Be a Part of My Camera Body

Once I bought a Manfrotto pistol-grip-upside-down ball head, with the typical Manfrotto camera plate. After a while I wanted something more robust, and I choose for an Arca-Swiss compatible ball head from Kirk Enterprises, and a matching L-bracket. The latter was one of the best choices I made.

A to Z of Photography: X-Trans Sensor and Xiaoxiao Xu

With the letter X we move on to looking at Fuji's highly regarded X-Trans sensor which is very different from nearly all the sensors in other digital cameras, before looking at the work of contemporary Chinese photographer Xiaoxiao Xu.

Why I Bought the Sony a7R IV for Wildlife Photography

Before today’s launch of the Sony a7R IV in the U.S., I had the opportunity to use the new 61-megapixel camera on a few occasions. Ultimately, these hands-on experiences led me to purchasing it for animal photography and in this article I list a few reasons behind the decision.

An Evening with Jay Maisel as Jay Myself

Are you like me? Do you look for entertainment with some elements related to photography and is more than merely "behind the scenes" or "how to type" of videos? Something that provides a different insight into photography and the photographers who create world-class images? If so then perhaps, or maybe not, the documentary "Jay Myself" is for you.

What Are the Best Settings for Landscape Photography?

One of the neat things about landscape photography is that you can produce vastly different images from the same scene simply by varying the choices of your basic settings. This excellent video discusses numerous situations you might encounter as a landscape photographer and the best camera settings to consider using in each of them.

How to Use a Wacom Tablet to Dodge and Burn in Photoshop

A Wacom tablet is by far one of the most useful tools any photographer can have, and dodging and burning is one of the most powerful editing techniques for almost every genre. This helpful video tutorial will show you everything you need to know about using a Wacom tablet to dodge and burn using Photoshop.

Joel Grimes on How to Be a Successful Photographer

As I've gotten older, one thing I've learned is that it's often easier and quicker to learn from someone else who has "been there and done that" than it is to learn by trial and error on your own. In this video, Serge Ramelli interviews Joel Grimes about what it takes to be a successful photographer.

My Tether Trolley Set Up

If you are an avid instagram user, you have probably noticed that almost all professionals tether their cameras with bright orange cables to a computer, there is a lot of kit involved in this and finding all the parts can be tricky when you don't know what you are looking for.

Three Tips for On-Land Mermaid Photography

Whether on land or underwater, photographing mermaids has become almost a whole new genre in itself. It has gained popularity in recent years creating whole mermaid communities as well. There are a few tips on creating a great portrait for your mermaid clients.

The Toughest Shoot of My Career? How I Shot this Series of Action Images

I relish a challenge and I knew this job was going to be hard, but I had no idea how much improvisation would be required to complete this shoot and come away with images that worked for the client. Huge venue, one light, complex action, no reccy visit, and just six hours to get it all done.

Are You a Photographer?

It’s too easy to think about how photography has been democratized and how anyone today with a camera can call themselves a photographer. It’s an excuse in fact.

A Professional Photographer Lets You in on Five Secrets

When you are new to photography, you might wonder what sort of secrets and lessons photographers have learned from their time in the industry and how that knowledge can benefit you. This awesome video features a professional sharing five secrets about life and work as a photographer.

Three New Rugged LaCie External SSD Drives Announced

LaCie has announced three new additions to their external SSD storage line for videographers and photographers working on the go with full-sized media. These include the Rugged SSD Pro sporting Thunderbolt 3, the Rugged SSD with USB 3.1 Type-C, and the Rugged BOSS SSD with built-in SD card slot for direct transfers.

Failing at Your Photo Goals

It can be really tough to be setting goals for your photographic work and then failing at the end of it. Mark Denney discusses his goals with us, and how the year 2018 turned out for him.

On the Impending Death of the DSLR

As mirrorless cameras become more and more advanced, most photographers assume that they are ringing the death knell for the DSLR. But will DSLRs be totally a thing of the past, or will they just take a new position within the photography industry? This thought-provoking video essay explores just that question.

Fstoppers Reviews the Haida M15 150mm Magnetic Filter Holder System

With extreme wide-angle lenses on the market from all the major players now that don't accept screw-in filters, filter manufacturers have stepped up their offerings with larger filter holders and dedicated attachment rings. One such offering is Haida's M15 Magnetic Filter Holder.

What Was the Last Photo You Took That Mattered?

Whether you've just bought your first camera, or you've been taking pictures for decades, taking a picture that matters, matters. So, what was your last creation that did?

Stop Making These Five Video Production Mistakes

Making music videos is really difficult. No money, big value. That is what is expected. However, they are a lot easier with these tips from producer Moses Israel, who has produced nearly 1,000 music videos.

Experimenting With Different Weird Lenses and an Anamorphic

An experimental photographer has mixed a series of weird lenses while keeping the same anamorphic lens in order to test out how the combinations impact the image quality and bokeh in its video capabilities. Some of the combinations gave interesting, shallow bokeh.