Cinnamon Black Bear

A cinnamon Black Bear with a mouth full of grass in Grand Teton NP

Bald Eagles on a Snowy Spring Morning

A pair of bald eagles sitting on a fence post just south of Jackson, Wyoming

Wild Horse

This photograph was taken from my trip to the South Steens Herd Management Area managed by the Bureau of Land...

Spotted Owlets

They were so easy to spot at night than with the day light!

Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker..... With thorns in its chest, Looking out of it's Saguaro Cactus nest.

Amur Leopard

The Amur Leopard Panthera pardus orientalis One of the rarest and most beautiful wild cats, with less than 100...

Whooping Cranes at Goose Pond, Linton IN

I mages taken at a Photo Workshop at Goose Pond National Wildlife Refuge of 3 of the approximately 800 Whooping Cranes...

House Redocorating

Caught this guy doing a little spring renovation.

Alien World

Never though of looking at the small ponds on rocky beaches for the best anemones, but after a few days I finally...


These are sunbirds in Africa.

Rainbow Bee-Eater.

This image was taken with the Sony A9 and the 600mm Goss lens. The Bee-Eaters had been hawking a new hatch of flying...

Australian Sheep Blowfly.

This is a 20 image live stack using the Sony A71V with the 90mm Goss Macro lens. The flash setup is a pair of Meike...

Mt. Lion

Took a trip to the NC Zoo yesterday. This is my favorite photo from the trip. It was close to closing time and these...

First bird photos

I'm not really a wildlife photographer, but I thought I'd take a stab at bird photography. I learned that birds are...


Not sure about the wing position , any help would be appreciated

More Canadian Geese

Out on my stroll, I came across these beauties.

Heads or Tails ...?

finding juxtapositions :)

Canadian Wild Geese

The Canadian Wild Geese are a fun bird to take pictures of. They always seem to pose for a photo. Although they can be...

Stealth In The Swamp

I took this picture in Houma, Louisiana. This little guy had just swum up to where I could get a decent photo.