Mountain memories

Nice moment lived while enjoying a route through the Picos de Europa. During a stretch, on the way down, the fog...

How do you keep track of your scouted locations?

Hi!, Finding and scouting your own locations is one of the main activities in landscape photography. So I wonder what...

Time Blend Experiment

I've been experimenting with some time blending. This was my first time trying this so I am definitely open to any/all...

Familiar composition, different output

Having been to this spot earlier, I rushed immediately after seeing the beautiful colors on the horizon. Despite being...

A bit of fall colors from Patagonia

Taken in Argentina last year. There are lots of grand landscapes but also smaller more intimate or even abstract ones.

Somethings Happen for a Reason

I recently stayed a couple nights out on Chincoteague Island on the eastern shore of Virginia. I was planning on doing...


Closeup of a sunflower

Worth Getting Up For

This was one of the more vibrant sunrises I can remember seeing in recent memory. Storms were forecasted later in the...

Green Flash

After many years of trying I finally captured the rare Green Flash at the Oregon Coast on camera. I have seen the Green...

Filter help -- for landscape's

ND filter suggestions. I use LEE ND filters. I'm getting a bit tired of the blue cast it gives. I'm ready to move to...

Seascape long exposure in Corsica

I took this photo at La Madonnetta lighthouse, Bonifacio-Corsica, hard to reach but I love the result! :) I use my NiSi...

"Evening at the Cabin"

Sitting above 9,400' in the Pioneer Mountains is a public shelter known as Pioneer Cabin. From this place you have the...

Vibrant evening

I took a drive tonight, and the sky blew me away with its vibrant pinks and other hues. I had the whole spot to myself...

Eystrahorn, Iceland

This photo was taken in Iceland at a place called Eystrahorn, which is also known as Stokksnes Mountain It is a...

Mute Swans, Barcelona

Adding some posterization for effect

Flowers under the Mountain

Zelené pleso, High Tatras, Slovakia. Zelené pleso is a beautiful mountain lake located in the High Tatras in Slovakia...

Cloud Capped Mt Hood

I’m undecided whether this photo is “complete” given that the peak of the mountain was covered in clouds. Fortunately...

Vestrahorn, Iceland

Vestrahorn, also known as Vesturhorn or Stokksnes, is a stunning mountain located on the Stokksnes peninsula in...

Duke University Chapel

We had some storms here in North Carolina basically all weekend. They finally started to clear up after the 3rd day of...

Light on Loch Ard

As I stood patiently waiting for a wee fell from Dundee to take his image, I couldn't help think "I'm going to miss...