Six Composition Secrets for Stunning Travel Photos

Composition is a crucial element in photography, often separating a good photo from a truly captivating one. While understanding camera settings is essential, developing your eye for composition can elevate your images and help you create a unique style. 

Coming to you from Belinda Shi, this insightful video goes beyond the typical rule of thirds and leading lines advice. Instead, Shi, a seasoned travel photographer with over 20 years of experience, shares practical and actionable tips to improve your composition skills. She emphasizes the importance of moving beyond eye-level shots and experimenting with different camera angles and positions to discover new perspectives to reveal hidden beauty and add dynamism to your photos.

Shi also highlights the impact of incorporating foreground elements, creating depth and context within your images. By using objects like fences, walls, or even people as framing devices, you can achieve a more balanced and visually appealing composition. Additionally, she encourages viewers to simplify their photos by reducing clutter and focusing on essential elements, using techniques like close-ups or harmonious color palettes. This approach allows the viewer to connect with the story and emotions within the photograph more easily.

Beyond these techniques, Shi explores the importance of experimenting with the size and distance of your subjects. Finally, she reminds viewers to focus on the moment and story within their photos. Capturing genuine interactions and emotions, even in imperfect settings, can create powerful and memorable images. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Shi.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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I like a lot of her photo examples. When I think travel photos, especially with family, I picture selfie or people posing for the camera. Belinda's on the other hand, are more photojournalistic(ish).

I agree. I like that it is family interacting with other family, the environment etc. It feels more natural than a pose struck in front of a landmark.

Absolutely brllliant examples, you know exactly what she means just looking at them.