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Ruth Carll's picture

Painting and Photography Combined!

I paint. Well.... I really just mess around with paint for the color. I love color! The end goal for me though is the photograph. I once had someone comment that photographing art isn't cool because it is 'stealing' someone's property. So, I like to explain that I make these paintings for the purpose of photographing them. And, since the paintings are mine, I think I'm in the clear!

These three come from the same painting. It was large and I have fun finding different sections that I can photograph and then have a series in the same colors. These will likely wind up as a tryptic.

Feedback welcome!

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Please post the complete picture as painted!


ps, interesting colours and curves!

Here it is. :)

Interesting. Looks like a wave to me. Nice colours.
Thank you.

Thanks for the kind words!! I never know if a painting is going to work for a photograph or not. I'm not crazy about the one above as far as a painting goes but then this one hangs in my foyer and oddly, nothing really worked when I tried to pull out pieces of it for a series. It is an adventure!

I know that posting photographs of somebody else's painting is considered to be BAD FORM.
Can somebody please tell me why this is so, but photographing architecture is a great art form in itself, as is photographing building interiors, sculpture, city scapes, and all sorts of art forms made by others.

I think it's because a painting is closer to photography than the other things. In the past, you can consider it as photography. Just a thought.

Interesting question! This requires a pitcher of beer, people from these different fields and a happy hour conversation! Seriously though, I don' t know why this is. My knee-jerk reaction is to say that buildings, etc, have become part of our landscape, that they are essentially "out in the public" so they can be photographed at will. But really, any piece of art, from a work in a museum to something posted here has been released into the world and may not really be that different. I love happy hour philosophy!

I live close to the prime wine producing area of the world ( George in the Western Cape Province of South Africa ) so next time you are around here pop in for a cup or two.

This is also the only part of Africa where hops are grown commercially.

I like it. You are very talented.

thanks Gion-Andri!

But, more importantly, have developed that talent. Who knows how many potential greats never picked up a brush, or persisted with f-stops & aperture?

Yes you are right. In my opinion you can learn everthing, if you want. I think most people are scared of making mistakes or doing it wrong. But there is actually no wrong and mistakes are for learning from.

Like 'em all, Ruth! Especially the first & last, and the "full-frame". It is like an underwater surf shot on some weird planet. The larger section of the arc conveys more movement and dynamism; surprised you don't like it more. Love the vibrant colours. This one especially reminds me of a bent Gerhard Richter.

Now that you mention it. I do see a wave! Now i am going to run with that!

Gorgeous choice of colors, and the motion is powerful! The two go together perfectly. I like your idea, and it's so rewarding when it's from your own work!