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Luke Crowley's picture

New to photography

Hi I just started in early December 2019. After tons of research and debate decided to got with the Fuji X-T20 with the XF18-55mm and could not be happier. Love this camera. I had been looking for a camera off and on since 2017 and tried a few but the price to performance of the Fuji nailed it for me. Enough Fuji praise I hope you guys enjoy my shots and any advice/feedback is more than welcome and appreciated.

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Welcome Luke! X-T20 was my 2nd fuji camera. great camera for the price, really love that fuji gives you the premium sensor for a smaller price tag!

Nice place you found to shoot on! at the 2nd picture i would smaller the apature and try to get the wheel in focus as well. As it is in the center and in the front of the camera, it feels like the image is some way out of focus. But nice grey tones and shadows. :)

Thank you.