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Philip Young's picture

CommerzBank Digital Campus

Some pictures from a project of mine capturing all the amazing architecture in Frankfurt, Germany.

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Phillip it looks like you have a good eye. The only thing holding these images back for me is the post processing. A couple of them have some HDR artifacts. (esp. the last one)

If you're already taking an exposure bracket maybe try out some exposure blending so you can control the clipping on the highlights. You can do that and still include people in the shots.

Exposure blending will bring you the benefits of HDR without all the downsides and you can control the tone mapping.

EDIT: Technically, exposure blending IS HDR but without using the HDR specific apps out there.

You are so right. The light changed on me(sun got block by clouds and I lost 2-3 stops) so I had to try and "fake" the same style as the others.