Neowise Comet

After hours of begging and pleading with the Weather God he decided to give us a pass last night and let it be clear...

Wooly Night

Playing with fire after a spring rain.

The Fountain

While most of the world is currently on lockdown, the north island's population is thankfully rather sparse. That means...

Backlit Waterfall

The water finally got low enough to visit this place without the use of hip waders.

On The Lake

Long exposure at one of my favorite lakes.

Vertical Milky Way

The Milky Way framed within a break in the treeline.

Aurora Borealis

Well, I said I'd be back with more visual treats, and here I am! This was a result of 5 hours of interval shooting I...

Steel Wool

After seeing so many images like this I decided to try my hand at it. With fire retardant clothing and an extinguisher...


One of our rare glimpses at Aurora Borealis.

Rush hour

Nothing fancy… just rush hour outside St. Louis

Nariga´s Heart

A few weeks ago, on a night excursion to the Punta Náriga lighthouse in Galicia. After taking the series of photographs...

Star Trails

Not sure how I feel about this one yet. I think it's decent but I'm sure there's room for improvement. There's certain...

Boulder Beach

Gotta say I'm pretty satisfied so far with my trip to Acadia National Park. I was only there Monday through Wednesday...

Mind's Map

A day by the Gokarna coastline. Karnataka

The Swarm

A monsoon morning from Gokarna. Karnataka.

Rock Jetty

Though I would share this image. This is actually an old image from a few years ago that I was never really satisfied...

Rothéneuf, Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Nikon Z7 Nikon Z 14-30mm f/4 @ 14mm 60 sec. f/11 ISO 64 Nisi Filters V6 Holder Nisi Filters ND Grad Medium 3 stops Nisi...

Dinard, Brittany, France

Dinard, Brittany, France Nikon Z7 Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/4 S-Line @24mm 15 sec. f/11 ISO 800 Nisi Filters Holder Nisi...

Saint-Malo, Brittany, France

Nikon Z7 Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/4 S-Line @33mm 3 sec. f/11 ISO 64 Nisi Filters Holder Nisi Filters ND Grad Medium 2 stops...

The Art and Beauty of ICM Photography

ICM (aka Intentional Camera Movement) a photographic technique in general...still feels very much on...