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Tyler Newcomb's picture

Feedback and CC on photos please

First of all, Thanks Michael for inspiring me and giving me tips to get this shot that I am really proud of.

I finally went to my neighbors, and asked if I could shoot their farm equipment that I had seen lying around. The man who lives there owns a logging company that has been declining in the past years, and his family used to own all the land right up to the back of my families house, covering nearly 65 acres. They were a little slow to warm up to me, but once I was polite and explained my school photo project, they agreed and soon became very friendly. I found out that the woman who lives there (who's name I will not release for their privacy, it was the only thing they asked so I must respect that) is also into photography, and enjoys bird photography especially. They are older now, and she has parkinsons, but she still sits in her kitchen with the bird feeder outside the window. I also learned a lot of history about my whole neighborhood and my city that I didn't know before, and the man was telling me stories of when he was a kid (my age, he claims) and was running around in the fields that used to my parent's backyard. He was very proud of all his equipment he had, including his Oliver Tractor, pictured below. He said that he had a wood conveyor belt that was buried in the woods that he needed to get out this summer, and by the end of the conversation he invited me to come back any time to photograph his property. As a thank you for that, I offered to help him if he could ever use it by helping with his equipment or anything around the farm. I also plan to surprise them with a really large print of whichever photo is decided to be best from below.

Please give me some feedback and constructive criticism on these photos, as I likely have the opportunity to shoot them again.
Thanks in advance!

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