He is better at piano then I am at capturing it.

This is from my first roll of film! I shot this on Kadak Max 400 with my EOS330 and my nifty 50. I doubt I will buy...

For Critique

Please let me know what you think.

To Nature and Baby Bumps

Nature,natural light and baby bumps are just the perfect combination.

Spring Time in the Desert

My model friend loves when we get outside for photo sessions. Last weekend we spent a day in the desert around Las...

Any Critique?

This is my first post so I am looking for any improvements you might have. The only post production I did was adding...

Model: Ashley van Bree

Model: Ashley van Bree Photographer: Bram van Dal Camera settings: Shutterspeed: 1/125 Aperture: F / 2.0 Iso: 640 Lens...

Sleepy kitty

I really love trying to catch animals yawing and this kitty here did me the favor!

Natural Light.

In most of my photography career I've been a strobe junkie,I was almost solely dependent on artificial light in both...


I had a lot of fun really pushing the bokeh on the 85mm for this shot. It really made the different elemental planes in...

Tree tunnel

Natural light, crop body + Canon 50 f1.8. What are your thoughts?

Harbinger of Death

Christina Wilder and I capture this images as the light of the day was fading. We bought this antique chair for $25...

Model: Lisa Rejen

Model: Lisa Rejen Photographer: Bram van Dal Camera settings: Shutterspeed: 1/180 Aperture: F / 2.5 Iso: 125 Lens: 85mm...

Model: John Geerts

Model: John Geerts Photographer: Bram van Dal Camera settings: Shutterspeed: 1/250 Aperture: F / 1.8 Iso: 320 Lens:...

Bridal Sot

Bridal Sot


Still picking out shots from this Miami shoot with Jazz. Sunset in South Beach.

What are you looking at?!

What are you looking at?! instagram arber.elezi.photography

Environmental Portrait of Rose

This is one of my client's shoot happened at Mount lavinia beach. Used a single flash light positioned at 7'O clock...

Bridal shot!

Bridal shot!

B I T A - Sigma 35mm

After 5 years using Canon 85mm f/1.2 I recently bought Sigma 35mm f/1.4 It takes time to adjust with the new field of...

Bridal Shot

Bridal Shot