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Rob Trendiak's picture

Wanna Quit Photography?

One thing I have learned from skateboarding that has kept me going!


I just wrote this blog post because last week I had a "I wanna quit" type of week. I am assuming many of you have had those types of weeks too! What keeps you going?

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Former skater, great post :).

Thanks man!

What keeps me going? Making sure I try new things once in a while. Keep it fresh! Release your shutter on something different once in a while so you're not always looking at the same stuff. Recently started doing interior building photos. Whole new challenge from portraits and weddings.

What keeps me going? It's a tough question to answer. I generally have those when just not getting any clients for over an abnormal time frame where I generally get clients. Coming up with personal projects helps me a lot to keep releasing images and keep myself relevant to my followers/fans/clients and future leads. Also time to time I play some FPS on my PC helps honestly, as gaming is designed for you to allow yourself to be pulled from reality.

Nice article Rob, I've ridden a board for the last 33 years and it definitely teaches you how to roll with the punches and not give up. That also helps me shoot weddings without succumbing to the fear :-)

Thanks for the comment! Glad there are others like me!