Trying to improve, critques welcomed

Been shooting portraits and headshots for a little over a year. Just looking for feedback on how to improve, and where...

Actress Headshots in my Alexandria VA Studio

Had a headshot shoot recently with an actress in my studio. I went for a simple clamshell lighting setup. We did a...

Crop from an outdoor fashion shoot...

While the angle is certainly not "Traditional", I do like how this turned out. Any comments?

Natural light at the office

We have big windows at the office and sometimes collegues ask me to take a head shot so they can use it as an avatar in...

Marc's Headshot

These are photos I took of my friend Marc. I tried something different with these photos. I usually only use a beauty...

A recent capture...

Leica Q2 ISO 100 F1.7 1/200th

A recent capture

Nikon D800 Nikkor 85mm D 1.4 ISO 100 1/200th F8 Model: Audrey English

Here are samples of my work for the group.

Shot on the Canon 5d Mark IV, Canon 70-200 2.8, and Yongnuo 600 speedlights. Last shot was 100% natural light.

Deep into the Lava!

Deep into the Lava! Canon Eos R, 85mm F/1.2, F/11, 1/160s, iso 100, One Light Setup + Silver Reflector! https://www...

First flash photography headshot (self portrait) (please critique)

I bought my first camera in March of 2019 because I wanted to start taking motocross photography and I instantly fell...

Native American portrait.

This was taken at Pow Wow on The Mall in Washington, DC in 2005. The event included traditional music, dress, crafts,...

Queen of the North!

Queen of the North! Canon Eos R, 85mm F/1.2, F/11, 1/160s, iso 100, 5 Lights Setup, 1 Background Light with Small...

Latin Model

I was hired to take headshots of models at a Make Up School final exam. Would love to read your comments.


Ambient Light Nikon D610 85mm 1.4G

Sommer the Advocate Headshot

Sustainable Food Advocate Sort of a Sue Bryce styled photo. Natural window light from the left along with a speed light...

Amelia, visions of youth

I shot this at the base of the Washington Monument on The Mall. I had her pose in the open shadow to catch the soft,...

First (perhaps only) self-portrait

Getting a new set of speedlights I had to test them out. The need to test them was only part of the issue. The more I...

Quick 'n dirty selfie

Just a quick, experimental selfie/headshot in my little studio that I've been putting together in my spare room. I...

Headshot for Jaime

Finally got my old friend in front of my camera for a professional headshot. He is a professional musician and talented...

Day out in Nashville

A day in the park looking for fall colors was on our agenda. While we were out, I was able to get a few portrait shots...