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Juergen Zeidler's picture

Alien World

Maybe one of the most unusual canyon I have ever visited. It is a remote location in Utah, far away from the beaten path of most travelers. Taking photos there is kind of tricky. It is a very small and narrow canyon. It took me several attempts to get the indirect light of illuminated sunset clouds in order have this soft glow inside of the canyon. Let me know what you think!

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Interesting indeed, Juergen! There's an almost grotesque, and certainly other-worldly (under-worldly?) quality to this image. I love the way you've made the sky blend in to the foreground so the whole thing gels. Very powerful.

Excellent image! I may not want it on my bedroom wall, all the same... ;-)

Thank you very much. Agree this is not an image to cause comfort, and it was not intended to do so. The area is called Fantasy Canyon for a reason.