Understanding Color Spaces: Why Your Photos Look Different in Photoshop

Have you ever opened a photo in Photoshop and found that the colors were dramatically different? This problem has to do with color spaces, a topic that every photographer needs to understand.

In one of my earliest sessions as a photographer, I noticed this issue. I was learning Photoshop and had to do some basic cleanup to a handful of images in my gallery. I remember going back through the final product and noticed that the colors were significantly different in each of the photos that I took into Photoshop. My subject’s skin suddenly had a green tint making her look sick. The images were unusable as is. As a new photographer, I had no idea what had happened. If you have had an issue similar to this before, then you need to learn about color spaces.

In this tutorial from photoshopCAFE, Colin Smith explains the basics of color spaces and what to do if an image is using the wrong one. One thing that did surprise me was how drastically the different options make your image appear. Smith shares a couple of his own examples side by side to show the effect that it has.

I also will add that if this topic is foreign to you, you should look into the differences between sRGB, AdobeRGB, and ProPhoto. These are the three primary color spaces you will come across. Once you find out what color space is best for you, you should then adjust your software’s settings accordingly. If you want to learn more, the video above is a great place to start.

Levi Keplar's picture

Levi Keplar is a wedding and portrait photographer and educator. He currently owns and operates his studio, Katie & Levi Photography, with his wife and is based in the Wichita, Kansas area. He has a passion for both the technical and the business sides of photography and helping others to grow in those areas as well.

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This happens to me when i edit a photo in Lightroom and then go to photoshop, then i save the photo so i can go back to lightroom. When i return to lightroom the colors are completely different. What am i doing wrong?

I had the same issue. What I started doing was ALWAYS sticking with sRGB. Always. Only exception is if I am doing prints, and even then, I have a chat with my local print shop.

Sticking with sRGB solved all my woes.

Joshua, if you want to set everything to sRGB follow this:

In Lightroom, go to Preferences, External Editing, and then under "Edit in Photoshop" set your color space to sRGB.

In Photoshop, go to Edit, Color Settings, and under Working Spaces set RGB to sRGB.

This should keep things consistent between the two. Hope that helps!

The real lesson is: don’t work on untagged images. If your images don’t have a profile the RGB numbers are mystery meat.

ProPhoto in lightroom and in photoshop then save as sRGB for web..

Viktor, I'm relatively new at some of the editing. I used to do this and then save to sRBG when exporting for posting to Flickr and Instagram, but I figured I didn't really know why I should be in ProPhoto first anyway. Can you help me understand why you start with ProPhoto?

Yes, but if your output is going to be to save to sRGB in the end, all those colors will go away again, right?

If color is important to you and you are interested in informing the development new standards-based solutions for managing expanded gamut color and the appearance of print embellishment effects, PLEASE take and/or pass along this survey TODAY:


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