Mariano San José González's picture

Griffon vulture ( Gyps fulvus )

Length: 93 – 120cm
Body Mass: 6.5 – 11 kg (Female), 6.2 – 10 kg (Male)
Scientific name: Gyps fulvus
Wing length: 2.3 – 2.8 m.
The Hoces del River Duratón Natural Park is located in the northeast of Segovia (Spain), downstream from the town of Sepúlveda.
It is a place where vision is assured
of these imposing birds.

Nikon D300
400 mm · f/6,3 · 1/1000 · ISO 400
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Where? How? :D

Hello Lukasz.
I'm sorry I had to remove the photo, because it gave me an error and I couldn't solve it. I had to upload it again.
In Segovia (Spain), in the town of Sepulveda there is a natural park (Hoces river Duratón) that is great for photographing this type of birds. The Duraton River has excavated a channel of approx. between 60-90 meters
Tall. The show is impressive. On Google you can find all the information and see photos of the area.
Tks. bu your like and best regards

Thx for the info. The photo itself is a bit too tight for my taste, I would like a bit more breathing room in front of the bird.

Other than that ... impressive.