Hugo Valle's picture

Gufufoss Night

Curiously, last week, I thought about publishing this photo alluding to the fact that the aurora season was over and we were starting the milky way season. At the last moment, I preferred to share the one that you have all already seen from Asturias, I still don't know why. And what life has, on the 10th, all the activity meters jumped and some of us were lucky enough, in Spain, to be able to contemplate the Northern Lights. I believe that the last records of a similar precedent date back to 1938, known as the "Red Night", at the time of the Civil War, something about which I had read when I began to be interested in this phenomenon and when I asked myself if it would be It is possible to see them in Spain, something almost impossible, but now it is anecdotal. For my part, I was lucky enough to be able to contemplate it in the surroundings of Larra-Belagua, for two or three hours, and those photos, which of course I took, I will edit and publish when I see fit, I'm in no hurry, in the meantime I'll share one photo from the latest photography trips we have made to Iceland, where, luckily, it is easier and more likely to see the northern lights than in Spain.

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Thank you Marius

very good

Thanks Luca