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Rob Baggs
London, & Hertfordshire, GB

Articles written by Rob Baggs

Photographer Terrified Shooting a Large Storm

Storms are either captivating or terrifying, depending where you stand on the subject. Sometimes, the literal place in which you stand can mean the storm is both captivating and terrifying. That was the case here.

The Must-Have Videography Accessory for Your Sony Camera

With so many accessories for all cameras these days, it's sometimes a little difficult to see the wood from the trees. Here, Cody Blue explains which of his accessories for his Sony is absolutely essential to his videography.

How to Get Beautiful Skin Tones in Adobe Premiere Pro

Skin tones are a hot topic in Lightroom and Photoshop, but there are fewer resources for videographers, who need to get them correct just as much. Here's how you can get beautiful skin tones in Adobe Premiere Pro, every time.

Make Your Subject Pop With This Simple Trick

Sometimes the simplest of changes can have a drastic impact. In this video, you see how localized coloring and saturation can make your subject really stand out.

Can This Disastrous Wedding Footage Be Salvaged?

As both the photographer or videographer, and the client, horrendous results are our worst nightmare. So when the videography of a wedding was dire and deemed unsalvageable, Josh Yeo stepped in to see if he could rescue it.

Photographing Abandoned Buildings: 11 Useful Tips

Urban exploration has been a popular subject on the Internet for some time. Photographing abandoned buildings, however, can be trickier than you might imagine. Here are 11 tips to make sure you get the most out of your trip.

Why Demanding Clients Are Best for Your Photography Career

In the early throes of your career, demanding clients with highly specified briefs can seem far more trouble than they are worth. I initially would be far more interested in the clients who offered creative freedom, but looking back, I believe I was wrong to do so. I'll explain why.

Business of Photography: Eight Tips I Wish I Had Known Earlier [Part Two]

In a saturated industry, talent can get lost in the crowds. However, talent in combination with proficient business running expertise can lead to you rising above those crowds. Some business expertise is experience, but some is received wisdom. Here are more of the most important things I've learned through both.

Business of Photography: Eight Tips I Wish I Had Known Earlier [Part One]

I doubt any photographers became professional because they were excited to run the business, but run it they will. Unfortunately, the importance of savvy business practices is much closer to photographic talent that most like to admit, so take a break from honing your portraiture, and hone your abilities as a small business owner.

Five Essential Tips for Building a Professional Photography Website

A photographer's online portfolio is paramount in this day and age, but you already know that. However, we are at a juncture in which the caliber of a photographer's website can be the difference between being hired and being overlooked. Here are five essential tips for ensuring your website gives you the best possible chance of being hired.

Natural Light Versus Off-Camera Flash: Two Photographers Battle It Out

Natural light photography has swelled in popularity as sensors improve, but the persistent battle between off-camera flashes or strobes, and just using available light continues. This video shows Manny Ortiz going head-to-head with Jessica Kobeissi to highlight the differences.