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Christopher Malcolm
Los Angeles, CA

Articles written by Christopher Malcolm

Why You Don't Always Need the Latest Photography Gear

If you’re anything like me, you spend half your time fighting for new business and the other half fighting your urge to spend the money you make from new business on gear. So, for a bit of fun, today I thought I’d share my own personal, self-directed pep talk whenever I feel the urge to splurge.

How to Create Your Own Luck in Photography

Sometimes, I like to tell brief stories about my adventures in life and photography that have little to do with the technical aspects of creating an image and more to do with making sense of an often hectic profession.

How Photographers Become Successful

In a genre composed of so many different disciplines, there are a couple truths that cross all boundaries.

Why I'm Not Switching to a Mirrorless Camera Yet

This has been the year of mirrorless! There have never been so many attractive options for DSLR shooters to make the transition as there are now. But should we?

3 Things To Look For When Updating Your Portfolio

Deciding which images to keep and which to throw away is one of the hardest lessons to learn for new photographers. One would think that it gets easier with experience, but the more you learn the harder it can get.

How to Spend Money Wisely as a Photographer

With 2018 being the year of mirrorless, it is tempting for many of us to fall into the trap of trying to spend our way to good photography rather than using our own talents. And while having appropriate gear is essential to the trade, it’s equally important to think twice before sacrificing your business for the latest trends.

How to Light the Face for Video

In this short video from Crimson Engine, cinematographer and director Rubidium Wu takes you step by step through how he lights his closeups for video.

How Would You Build Your Perfect Camera?

Time for a completely non-scientific, wholly subjective, not even remotely precise, but undeniably fun thought experiment for all to participate in.

How to Never Work a Day in Your Life

They say that when you find a career that you love, you will never have to work a day in your life. That’s bull. Well, sort of.

Using Styles in Capture One

While the boosted productivity and easy collaboration with clients was my main reason for shifting to a full Capture One universe, it was the ability to use preset styles that initially drew my attention.