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3.3 out of 5
Christopher Malcolm
Los Angeles, CA

Articles written by Christopher Malcolm

Our In-Depth Review After Shooting With the Nikon Z 9 Every Day for the Last Month

After my initial thoughts article, I have now spent the past month shooting with the new Nikon Z 9 pretty much every day. A month may not be enough for a long-term review, but I’ve already found myself in an incredibly diverse set of situations, and while some question the existence of love at first sight, I must say this camera has been something special right out of the box.

3 Mistakes Common to All Photographers and Artists

Growing your skillset and your career as an artist can be filled with pitfalls. But even though many mistakes are shared amongst nearly all photographers, the good news is that most can be avoided if you only know where to look.

Being Bold and the Promise of the Nikon Z 9

Nikon has finally officially announced their new flagship mirrorless camera, the Z 9. The long-rumored specs are now confirmed, and the promise of the system has exceeded expectations.

How to Keep the Passion for Photography Alive

New gear, new techniques, exciting shoots, and financial success are all parts of a fun and successful photographic life. However, it’s equally important to maintain our passion for our art form and continue to feed our creativity in the long term.