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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Is Photography Overrun by White Males?

Anyone can pick up a camera and learn how to shoot, regardless of sex or race. However, if you examine the top tiers of the genre, that basic tenet seems to be less assured. Why is photography seemingly dominated by white males?

Entitled Millennials, Social Media, and the Modern Photographer

I came across a talk in my Facebook feed (of all places) the other day, and I have to admit that it struck a particular chord with me and raised a few questions. As photographers and videographers, we're mostly married to our computers, we have necessary if not uneasy relationships with social media, and many of us are part of the millennial generation. So, how do we find happiness in all this?

ASUS Zenfone AR Takes 92-Megapixel Photos

Cell phone cameras have undoubtedly advanced to levels that make them legitimate photographic instruments in the right circumstances. ASUS is continuing to push the envelope with their new Zenfone AR, which can shoot massive 92-megapixel photos.

Washington Post Makes Egregious Cover Photo Error

As far as typos and editorial errors go, this is a big one, particularly considering the cultural context. The question is: even if it was entirely an innocent mistake, what preconceptions does it indicate?

One Second a Day: 366 Days as a Celebrity Photographer

I can't say I've ever completed a 365/366-day project, mostly because I lack the self-discipline to simply make my bed every morning. However, seeing one second of each day of someone's life was immensely intriguing, and it motivated me to undertake the same project in 2017. I was so motivated that I even made my bed this morning.

An Update on Brides Magazine's Insistence That Pros Shoot Canon or Nikon

You may have read a recent article in which Brides magazine suggested that its readers only choose wedding photographers who shoot Canon or Nikon. The photographer who was quoted as saying that has received quite a bit of backlash, so I reached out to her for her side of the story.

'Destination DC' Is a Time-Lapse That Captures the Vibrancy and Life of America's Capital

We've all seen impressive time-lapses before, but what really caught my eye with "Destination DC" was its human element. Washington D.C. is undoubtedly a historic city full of sites that are primed for capture, but that in itself means it's a challenge to create something that rises above the countless images and videos we've seen before. "Destination DC" does just that.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (December 2016): Erik McRitchie

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2016, we featured a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represented both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

The Ten Most Popular Fstoppers Articles of 2016

We're celebrating the new year at Fstoppers by looking back on our top ten most popular articles of 2016. Check out the posts that the community found compelling, helpful, and fascinating in the past year!

The 12 Best Long Takes in Film

The long take might be my favorite shot in all of film. The blocking, timing, thought, and technical mastery that go into a successful one are astounding. So, when you take some of the best in history and bunch them all together, it's a film lover's dream.

'Moonline' Combines Glow in the Dark Skis and Drones for an Amazing Short Film

It's winter here in Cleveland. Snow is flying, and there's a space heater under my desk. But while I'm moaning about being cold incessantly, a group of filmmakers did something so neat and innovative that it inspired to me to go out and find my own creativity in that winter wonderland.

Did Time Magazine Use Photography to Compare Donald Trump to Hitler?

Time recently announced that it had named Donald Trump its Person of the Year. That's unsurprising when you remember that the title goes to the person who "for better or for worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year." However, the cover photo is peculiar in several ways — enough so to raise the question of if it is an intentional reference to one of history's most evil and infamous figures. The Internet seems to be split on if that's the case.